Working with Gender and Sexual Diversity
A workshop is taking place on Saturday June 22nd in the Sheldon Park Hotel, Kylemore Road, Dublin 12 for counsellors and psychotherapists working with Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual or Transgender clients or anyone who would like to improve their understanding of working with Gender and Sexual Diversity.
This training is being given by Dominic Davies FBACP of Pink Therapy
This one day workshop will explore contemporary perspectives on working with gender and sexual identities, an area which has generally not been included in the training for most therapists, and yet gender and sexual minority clients are over represented in the therapy populations and research shows, have poorer mental health and higher substance abuse issues than the majority population. This is believed to be due to minority stress and not indicative of any underlying psychopathology.
This workshop will explore the social context for gender and sexual minorities and look at some of the key tenets of gender and sexual diversity therapy and how these can be integrated into the current theoretical models of the participants and explore some things to bear in mind in working with non-monogamies and same sex relationships.
For further information visit
The cost of this workshop is €100 for the day.
Brochure: Working With Gender and Sexual Diversities
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