09 May 2013 19:00 : Lecture by Professor Elisabeth Rohr: "Images of the Unconscious – working in foreign places"

The Irish Institute of Group Analysis


                                                   in conjuction with


The School of Psychotherapy


 at St. Vincent’s University Hospital.





  A Lecture by : Professor Elisabeth Rohr.


Images of the Unconscious- working in foreign places”


Elisabeth Rohr is Professor for Intercultural Education at the Philipps University, Marburg, Germany. She is a group analyst engaged in profit and non–profit national and international organizations. Her main research topics are: Christian Fundamentalism in Latin America; Identity conflicts in female adolescent migrants in Germany; female body modifications and Clinical Supervision. She has established group analytic supervision training in post-war Guatemala over the last 10 years.


DATE:     Thursday May 9th 2013


TIME:      7pm. – 8.30pm


VENUE:  The School of Psychotherapy. S.V.U.H. Elm Park.


FEE:         €10 payable at the door.




Original post: Psychoanalytic Section Events Calendar