Inside Out: Life Mastery Workshops

Inside Out: Life Mastery Workshops
2 x 1-day Workshops, Sat 21st Sept & Sun 17th Nov, Wicklow Mountains
These two days are an opportunity for you to Master Your Life as well as having some Time-Out at a great location to Connect With Yourself.  The workshops combine Energetic Clearing and Re-alignment with Self-reflection, Experiential Learning and Tools to help you live your life from a Higher Perspective: Retrieving Your Own Guidance, Releasing Your Blocks and Creating Your Reality in a way that matches who you really are.  Includes guided experiential meditations. Topics 1-4 will be covered in the first workshop and topics 5-7 will be covered in workshop two. “Brilliant” “Amazing”  ”Beyond anything”.

1. RAISING YOUR VIBRATION: How to get yourself into a good place and maintain this, What it means to raise your vibration.

2. POWER OF THE MIND: Looking at the negative and positive aspects of the mind; How to still the mind and use it to your advantage. Exploring the true power of your mind.

3. EMOTIONAL AWARENESS: Understanding your emotional system, Learning to release trapped emotion easily; Using the emotional system as guidance, How to connect with your Spirit.

4. BELIEF SYSTEMS: How we create belief systems, How belief systems shape us and How to release limiting beliefs energetically.

5. WHAT’S YOUR PURPOSE?: Find out more about who you really are and the true purpose of your life.

6. CONSCIOUS CREATING (manifesting): Understand how we create, Learn tools to help you consciously create that which is most aligned for you.

7. PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER: Review, How you can use the tools learned in your everyday life, Questions & Answers on applying these.

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