Person-Centred Gathering, Tobar Mhuire, Retreat, Crossgar, Co. Down



14TH September, 2013. 9.30am to 4.30pm

£25 including coffee, tea, lunch.


This Gathering is the first in a programme of Person Centred events that we are hoping will stimulate further growth of the Person Centred Approach. We believe that it is the first time this type of gathering has been held in the North. We hope that it will offer a space for each of us to grow in ways that are personally, professionally and collectively meaningful.

The gathering is based on a tried and trusted model that occurs regularly in the person centred community worldwide. It is an opportunity for personal and professional growth, self-awareness, and the understanding of others while meeting new people and having a good time. There will be a focus on processing in the here and now.

At the start we will offer an introduction to the form and philosophy of ‘gatherings’ and we offer the tentative theme of ‘Speaking Out.’

We ask each person to be responsible for her/himself and to contribute towards the ‘duty of care.’ We are committed is to creating an environment of the Core Conditions where individuals are accepted and valued, where we each strive for empathy and authenticity. Since the gathering is not ‘directed’ each member of the group is able to take personal responsibility. The gatherings can be challenging, exciting and deeply moving. The gathering will determine its own confidentiality.

The cost of the gathering will be £25 per person and this will include tea, coffee, lunch and booking of the large meeting room. Our gatherings are organised on a not-for-profit basis. We are limiting the group size to 12.

 For further information contact:


 Application forms can be downloaded from our Facebook page at:

Future programmes will include Working at Relational Depth and Developing Supervision.

 Christopher Murray IAHIP, ICP, BACP

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