Improving Psychotherapy Outcomes by Integrating Common Factors into Treatment Protocols: An Evidence Based Perspective. One day workshop with Professor Bruce Wampold PhD

Mater Family Therapy Training Programme

Professor Bruce Wampold PhD
Professor in Counselling Psychology in University of Wisconsin

One-day Workshop
Improving Psychotherapy Outcomes by Integrating Common Factors into Treatment Protocols: An Evidence Based Perspective

on Saturday, 9th November 2013
Time: 9.30am-4.30pm

Venue: Dublin City University
Room HG23 Lecture Theatre
School of Nursing and Human Sciences
DCU Dublin 9 (Entrance off Collins Ave)

Bruce Wampold is a world renowned researcher in the field of Psychotherapy Research and is author of “The Great Psychotherapy Debate: Models, Methods and Findings “. This book produces a convincing argument for the Common Factors position, namely that many different approaches to Psychotherapy achieve almost equal results regardless of technique and model, but because of a common core of therapeutic processes. This workshop will have relevance to a wide range of Clinicians, Researchers and Psychotherapists.
It is a great privilege to have Bruce present his work and ideas in Dublin for the first time.

Cost: €90 (includes light lunch) Bookings to be made in advance with Ciara Reddy at: (01) 803 2349. Cheques made payable to: Family Therapy Training Programme and posted to Family Therapy Training Programme, Mater CAMHS, Metropolitan House, James Joyce Street, Dublin 1. Limited places available.

Application Slip

Name: _________________ Address: ______________________________

Tel: ______________ (H) _______________(w) Email: ________________

6 CPD points have been awarded for this workshop by the FTAI

Original post: Family Therapy Association of Ireland