17 May 2014 11:00 : Professor Karl Figlio Lecture


The Irish Psycho-Analytical Association Presents



Professor Karl Figlio



The Difference Between


Private and Public Mourning



Karl Figlio, Professor of Psychoanalytic Studies at the University of Essex in CDColchester, has been a friend of our Association for many years. Here he takes up the topic raised by Freud in his 1917 paper, Mourning and Melancholia, and re-examines it from the viewpoint of the twenty-first century, including his interest in the societal unconscious and in object-relations psychology. His overview is broad and sweeping.


This lecture will be of interest to anyone who deals with depression and/or mourning in the consulting-room. Since it throws light on the changes in unconscious structure due to mourning, and those resulting from depression, it will have an appeal for anyone who has lost a person, or a situation dear to them, and who must deal with this loss.



Date:                           17 May 2014


Time:                          11 am


Venue:                        The Royal Marine Hotel, Marine Road, Dun Laoghaire


Entry:                         € 20 (€ 15 for the unwaged)



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