Dr Albrecht Mahr Constellation Work CPD

Irish Group for Systemic Constellation Work


The Bert Hellinger Institute of Ireland.

Continuing Professional Development 2014


Deepening into Contact

 For participantsalready familiar with Constellation work.

Dr Albrecht Mahr 

3 day workshop: June 27-28-29

Fee: 450.00 Euro. Bursaries are available

Limited group size

Albrecht Mahr returns to Ireland for the third time to give us three days of his mastery in family constellations working to deepen our contact, with self and other. He is a medical doctor, psychoanalyst, a specialist in psychosomatic medicine, applied psychotherapy and systems therapy.

Albrecht is a training and teaching psychoanalyst in the German Psychoanalytic Association (DPG) and in the German Association for Group Psychotherapy and Group Dynamics (DAGG), and he has additional training in Ericksonian hypnotherapy, Gestalt, body and music therapy and holotropic breathing (Grof).

Dr. Mahr has been practicing and developing systemic constellation work (SCW) since 1990 and is the President of the Institute for Systemic Constellations and Integral Solutions in Wuerzburg (ISAIL), Germany. He is a previous president of the international Germany-based constellations association (IAG).

He is a founding member of the International Systemic Constellations Association (ISCA), one of the most senior serving members on the faculty of ISCA’S international learning intensive at Bernreid in Germany. Dr. Mahr is a renowned international teacher of SCW and founder (2002) of the International Political Constellations Association (IPCA) and we are delighted to welcome him back to Ireland.


Information and booking please contact:

Carmel O’Connor or Colette Green

Carmel: 0862260237/carmeladoc@nullhotmail.com

Colette: 0868267687/info@nullochre.ie

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