28 Mar 2015 10:30 : Taboo or not Taboo? Clinical Series

The Irish Forum for Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy

Clinical Series 2015

Early Bird Offer

‘Taboo or not Taboo?’

Forbidden thoughts, forbidden acts in Psychoanalysis & Psychotherapy

Based on the collection of papers in ‘Taboo or not Taboo?, this series concerns topics in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis that are not spoken about under usual circumstances.

Guided by this courageous book, we want to encourage conversations and explorations amongst practitioners, around topics such as money, spirituality or self-disclosure, in an atmosphere of openness and safety. Mary Pyle, MA, H.Dip.Ed, trained Group Analyst, founder member of the IFPP and a psychoanalytic psychotherapist of long standing, will facilitate this series. She has developed a module based on these writings for the Irish Institute of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy course in TCD, since the book’s publication in 2009. Her students’ enthusiasm and interest, seeded by her teaching of this material, has led to the series being offered to clinicians in the wider psychoanalytic community.

In the current age of demand for greater transparency from professionals, this is a timely and important collection.’ Peter Fonagy in the Foreward.

Venue: PSI, Grantham House, Grantham Street (off Camden Street), Dublin 8.

Dates: Saturdays, January 31st, February 21st, March 28th, April 18th , May 16th.

Time: 10.30am-1.30pm

Teas and coffees provided

Early bird cost, inclusive of a copy of ‘Taboo or not Taboo?’, €150 (€100 student) up to December 8th 2014.

Late booking €150 (€100 student) not including the book

€50 non-refundable deposit secures a place

This offer lasts until December 8th. Collection of the book from central Dublin can be arranged by emailing ifppeducation@nullgmail.com on payment of €50 …read more

Original post: Psychoanalytic Section Events Calendar