21 Feb 2015 09:00 : Conducting Psychoanalytic Research for Publication

Conducting Psychoanalytic Research for Publication

DESCRIPTION This workshop will introduce participants to how to conduct psychoanalytic research for publication. It will be of interest to psychoanalysts, psychotherapists, psychologists and psychiatrists with publishing experience or with an interest in beginning to write for publication, as well as academic researchers and PhD students with an interest in psychoanalysis. What makes research publishable, and how might you go about finding a suitable publisher, journal or editor to publish your writing? Have you written a dissertation as part of your clinical training and wonder how to turn it into an article? Do you think you could draw on your clinical work for publication, but are unsure of how to begin? Are you working clinically and interested in becoming involved in conducting psychoanalytic research, but have little or no publishing experience so feel apprehensive at the prospect? Are you an academic researcher or PhD student and wish to interact with psychoanalytic clinical practitioners to talk about your psychoanalytic research?

The workshop will include twelve psychoanalysts/psychoanalytic psychotherapists, all of whom work clinically and who have extensive experience in publishing and/or editing psychoanalytic research. They represent a number of different traditions of psychoanalysis, including Freudian, Kleinian, Lacanian, Jungian, Independent and object relations. The workshop comprises two panels, followed by time for questions and discussion. Speakers on the first panel will discuss their experiences of writing for peer-reviewed journals, for related clinical disciplines such as psychology and psychiatry, for print and online media, as well as the process by which delegates might transform the research they are conducting into a journal article. The participants on the second panel will discuss writing monographs and editing large research projects. They will give guidance as to how delegates might pitch a book project to a publisher. Following …read more

Original post: Psychoanalytic Section Events Calendar