Sandplay Therapy Supervision Group

Trained in Sandplay Therapy and not using it?

Want to keep your field of Sandplay therapy alive and growing?

Join us now

I am offering supervision to a group of trained therapists to meet once a month – day to be decided by group.

Anticipated content in the group will include:

Case presentations

Readings of Sandplay and related material

Symbolism – with Jungian orientation

Participants will be therapists who have training in Sandplay either formally (certificate level

or higher) or whilst part of core training (i.e. play therapy) and have an interest in refining their skills to continue using and understanding sand images in their work.

 Facilitator: Ursula Somerville MIAHIP, MIJSTA, ECP, MEAIP, SIAHIP.

Place: Rathfarnham Psychotherapy Centre, “Fountain House” 55 Main Street Rathfarnham Village Dublin 14

Maximun size of group: 6.

Duration: 2 hours (minimum)

Fee: €30.00 a session – per person (2 hours)

Parking: Pay and display parking available on the street and surrounding area (first 30 minutes free in the village)

Bus routes: 16, 15B, 17 & 75

For more information please contact Ursula on 086–356 4908 or in the first instance.

Original post: IAHIP Classified Ads related to CPD