IICP Training & Education – Spring CPD Courses
Professional Certificate in CBT – with Philip James
The Course is a 10 session certificate in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). The aim of the course is to equip participants with the necessary theoretical and clinical understanding of the CBT approach to counselling. Skills practice will form an integral part of the training. The course content can be broken into four broad areas:
- Theory
- Assessment of Presenting Problems
- Disputation of Irrational Beliefs
- Homework
Day/Time: Tuesday Evenings from 7:00-10:00pm x 10 weeks.
Commences: Tuesday 24 March 2015.
Cost: €490.00 (€420.00 for IICP Alumni/VCS Counsellors).
CPD Workshop in Anger Management – with Dr. Fergus Heffernan
Fergus will lead participants through a two day exploration of how anger develops, the damage it can do and the means to resolve it. This workshop is ideal for therapists, psychologists, teachers, medical professionals and anyone interested in learning more about the subject area.
- Part One: Understanding Anger
- Part Two: Why we get Angry
- Part Three: The Role of Anger in our Lives
- Part Four: Anger and Power
- Part Five: Managing your Anger – Facing the Pain
- Part Six: Expressing Anger Safely
- Part Seven: Eight Golden Rules of Anger Management
- Part Eight: Anger and the Counsellor
Day/Time: …read more
Original post: IAHIP Classified Ads related to CPD