Narcissitic Families Leave A Destructive Legacy of Co-Dependency Addiction


(14 CPD Points)

This is a therapeutic model for working with co-dependent adults who come from an emotionally abusive and neglectful family of origin. It provides therapists with the tools they need to teach the new life skills required for recovery. With these tools, significant and timely progress is very possible.

Course Outline:

This empowering model is goal focused and encourages the therapist to take an interactive role in their client’s therapy. It outlines the actual skill set which therapists can use to help the client move forward.

  • How narcissism operates & how it affects the victim
  • Trauma and it’s role in the recovery process
  • The difference between healthy & narcissistic family systems
  • The similarities between adult children of narcissistic (ACNF) and alcoholic (ACOA) families
  • The addictive nature of co-dependency and its impact on recovery from all other addictions
  • The five stages of recovery from co-dependency & the critical role of the therapist
  • How narcissism and co-dependency affects the ACNF and the ACOA in the workplace
  • The next generation – how to support a client with children living in a narcissistic environment.


Margaret Parkes (Dip. Psych., BA, MSc.) is an experienced trainer, facilitator, psychotherapist, supervisor and systemic practitioner who operates in both therapeutic and business settings. She has experienced significant success working with this narcissistic, co-dependency and addiction model.

Course Format:

Groups on the course will be small. Training will be interactive with participants being encouraged to draw upon their own personal or professional experiences.

Course Dates and Times:

Cork: 29th and 30th January 2016 Fitzgerald’s Vienna Woods Hotel, Glanmire

Dublin: 26th and 27th February 2016 Citywest Hotel, Saggart, Co Dublin

Westmeath: …read more

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