Professional Certificate in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT)
PCI College is happy to confirm new dates for our popular Professional Certificate in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy. The course begins on Saturday 13th February and with limited places, we urge you to book your spot now to avoid disappointment.
This 30 hour Continuous Professional Development Programme (CPD) will enable participants to observe, assess, evaluate, and formulate treatment using the client’s environmental influencers as well as their thoughts, moods and emotions, and behaviour. The approaches presented are usable, up-to-date and strongly evidence-based.
Course Content & Dates:
Day 1: Foundation Level Theory and Practice – Saturday 13th February
Day 2: Behavioural & Cognitive Strategies in CBT – Sunday 14th February
Day 3: Depression – A Cognitive Behavioural Approach – Saturday 12th March
Day 4: Anxiety – A Cognitive Behavioural Approach – Saturday 2nd April
Day 5: Integration/Assessment Day – Saturday 2nd July
Venue: Dublin City Centre
Duration: 30 Hour Programme: 9.30am – 4.30pm each day
Fees: Fee for the full course is €780 or workshops can be booked individually; see for full details.
For further information, including eligibility and to book your place now, see
Please contact Declan or Lynn on 01-4642268 or email for further details
Original post: IAHIP Classified Ads related to CPD