CONFERENCE Non-Accidental Head Injury, Babies and Parents: An Opportunity for Prevention in the Irish Context



Non-Accidental Head Injury, Babies and Parents: An Opportunity for Prevention in the Irish Context

Thursday, 14th April, 2016

The Bessborough Centre, Cork

Non-Accidental Head Injury (NAHI) is the leading cause of death and long-term disability for babies who are harmed (Sidebotham and Fleming 2007).

This conference aims to raise awareness about Non-Accidental Head Injury in the Irish context. The impact of this form of harm at an individual, familial and societal level will be examined through a number of professional perspectives.

The first year of life is the time when babies are most at risk of harm. In one national Welsh study, babies under 1 were identified as being six times more likely to suffer physical harm than children aged between 1 and 4 years old (Silbert et al. 2002). The sheer vulnerability of babies is also highlighted by the fact that one third of serious case reviews in England relate to babies under the age of 1 year (Brandon et al. 2012). Professionals working with babies and families where there has been a serious incident of harm face critical professional challenges in their identification and assessment of these infants. This conference will explore relevant case studies, examine national and international research on NAHI and create a discussion space for those interested in this area of child welfare practice.

Early intervention and evidence based prevention will be central tenets of this conference. There have been exciting developments internationally in the form of evidence based initiatives to address NAHI which have been systematically tested and evaluated, resulting in a reduction in the incidence and risk of harm.

The NSPCC in the UK are …read more

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