IAHIP Autumn/Winter Workshop Schedule 2016/2017

IAHIP has completed its Autumn Winter Workshop Schedule 2016 / 2017.

IAHIP continues our workshop schedule to be available to all categories of members at, what we believe to be, competitive rates, so do become aware of the diverse selection of workshops here on our website. Workshops can also be attended by those non-members who are registered with an equivalent professional body. When ordering please let us know which professional organisation you are accredited with if not IAHIP.

The different prices are €90.00 for a non-IAHIP member application, €70.00 for IAHIP members and pre-accredited associates and €50.00 for Students. Payments may be sent via post with the booking form or can be made via the ‘Payments’ menu option on our website or by clicking the link HERE.

Please find our full workshop schedule for 2016 – 2017 HERE.

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Original post: Irish Association of Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy