OCHRE Forthcoming Workshops  2016

October 2nd: Equine Assisted Psychotherapy.

Constellation work with horses

The high art of Helping

October 22/23: family Constellation Work.

Scars of attachment Souvenirs of Love

OCT 2nd 2016 : Castlefergus Equestrian. Quin. Co Clare.

Ochre in conjunction with Global Equine Connection offers:

The High Art of Helping workshops are assisted by horse presence and wisdom.

Fee: 185 Euro

People often feel drawn to work with others and to help them. This pull can come from a deep love and loyalty that stems from within our own family system, our own herd. To work cleanly with others it is important to be able to differentiate ‘what belongs to whom’. What it is that has drawn us personally into our chosen profession and what it is our hearts are longing for. We are interconnected beings who often become entangled in the webs we weave and webs we inherit.

Looking through a systemic lens with the help of the horses leads us to working cleanly, with clarity and with more awareness and compassion. This serves as a protection for our clients and ourselves when we no longer project what is out of our awareness, on to our co-workers and clients. When we can experience being separate and connected, then we ourselves, and those we work with, become freer to move and heal in a healthy way.

Helping at this …read more

Original post: IAHIP Classified Ads related to CPD