Understanding Trauma Workshop
IICP Education and Training Limited
Killinarden Enterprise Park, Killinarden, Dublin 24
Telephone: 086 0499154 / 086 2609989
Website: www.iicp.ie
Before mental health practitioners can work in depth with a client’s trauma they need an understanding of both what trauma is and how to engage with it safely before embarking on in-depth work. This two day workshop will look at those initial requirements – knowledge of the dynamics of trauma and establishing safety.
Programme Content:
- Understand the key components of psychological trauma;
- Be able to identify the many sources of trauma;
- Know the difference between developmental trauma and traumatic injury;
- Recognise the many symptoms of trauma;
- Have a good understanding of the physiology of the brain and its role in trauma;
- Understand the reaction of trauma clients;
- Recognise the body’s role in trauma and learn how the body tries to work through trauma and use some basic body-orientated techniques to help the body do this safely
- Have a good understanding of the immediate & long term effects of PTSD;
- Be introduced to why talking therapies may not help in this initial stage of trauma work;
- Start to work with establishing safety through resourcing & boundary setting.
- Understand the concept of the ‘window of tolerance’ and its importance;
- Understand the “three trauma types” of clients and the implications for therapy and be introduced to three safety protocols and given the opportunity to work with them;
- Be able to identify symptoms of autonomic nervous system arousal and learn how to separate physical from emotional arousal in order to establish safety;
Entry Requirements:
This workshop is for mental health practitioners interested in learning more about the subject area.
Certificate of Attendance and Participation
CPD: 6 Hours
Saturday 17 June 2017
Saturday 24 June 2017
9:30am – 4:30pm
IICP Education and Training, Killinarden Enterprise Park, Killinarden, Dublin 24.
€160.00 (€140 for IICP Students/Alumni and VCS Counsellors)
Patricia Allen-Garrett,
BSc (Hons) Psychology, Dip Counselling & Psychotherapy, (MIAHIP, ECP) works as a psychotherapist …read more
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