Urban retreat:  Bridging the gap: Movement, Meditation and Mindfulness for Daily Life

Facilitators Barbara Collins and Sandra Reeve. Venue An Tairseach, Dominican Farm and Ecology Centre, Wicklow, Ireland. Dates 26th July (evening) to 31th July 2017. Cost 605 Euro. Early bird price before 1st February 2017: 580 Euro. (includes single en-suite room, main meal each day and tuition) [CPD hours 25]

No experience of movement or meditation required.

Retreat details online: www.moveintolife.com/retreat.

For further information and bookings, contact:

In Ireland – Barbara Collins: barmeco@nullgmail.com

0863706824 (+353 8637 0624)

In the UK – Sandra Reeve:www.moveintolife.com/retreat

Additional information

This 5 day workshop is designed to introduce movement as ‘mindfulness in motion’, as a meditation practice in itself, and to explore the thresholds and transitions between sitting meditation, walking meditation, free form movement practice and simple everyday activities.

How can we cultivate embodied presence with our eyes closed and our eyes open, in action and in stillness?

We will move between indoor and outdoor sessions, between time alone and time together, between nature and town, between quietness, stillness silence and movement as we explore how to integrate the source of meditation into our daily lives and into the busy stream of activities that fill our days.

To see facilities at An Tairseach: www.ecocentrewicklow.ie

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