Ochre Workshops 2017

OCHRE 2017



Family Constellation Workshops

Scars of Attachment Souvenirs of Love



Saturday 22nd a one day workshop

Fee : 100.00 euro


Saturday /Sunday 21-22nd a two day workshop

Fee 200.00 Euro

Venue: Mardyke house The Mardyke. Cork City

Times: 9.am -5pm

Facilitator : Colette Green

Object Relations Theory says that our primary need is for relationship.

Bert Hellinger’s work continues to unfold healing movements in relationship at all levels. Life goes back to whence it came and love tries to find its way. This phenomenological method includes everything that ‘is’ with love. The Workshop will explore experientially the idea that our Scars of Attachment are recognizable as Souvenirs of love. We are profoundly affected by our need to belong and our sense of separateness.

In the constellation work we understand how we reach out in our yearning to be met and how our contact with others got interrupted. We see ways in which people do belong in family systems often connected by loyalties and conscience through intergenerational entanglements, systemic identifications and object relationships. We use Inclusive compassion as the lens for enlarging the family picture, to see and feel the hidden dynamics that underlie the family system and a new image may emerge.

In Hellinger Sciencia work a soul image emerges beyond the limits of the personality attuned to the creative guiding force of life. Bert Hellinger calls this The Spirit Mind or Tao.

The whole group is involved in constellation work, whether as client or representative in the service of a client’s family or as part of the essential holding group within which the work unfolds.

Personal issues can be touched in a profound way seeing how love has been blocked and how it can flow, where …read more

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