The Shaman’s Journey – Introductory Workshop
Journey with the Drum
Celtic fire ceremony
Healing circle
Spirit boat
Creating a circle of protection
Stalking awareness
Trance dancing
The course consists of a weekend residential workshop in a beautiful rural setting in County Meath close to the sacred sites of Newgrange, Tara and Loughcrew. We will be working together in the circle, creating a safe and sacred space to enable us to form a healing community.
Shamanism is humanity’s most ancient tradition for healing, solving problems and for keeping in harmony with nature, society and other people. Traditionally a shaman is a person who can change their state of consciousness at will in order to journey to other realities to obtain power and knowledge for themselves and others.
This basic workshop will introduce participants to some of the core methods and ideas used by shamanic peoples all over the earth for thousands of years. We will be using traditional methods such as drumming, rattling and dancing to enter a shamanic state of consciousness, and connect with our power animals and spirit helpers. We will also be exploring how we can apply this shamanic way of working in a practical way for healing ourselves and others and connecting deeper into nature in our everyday lives.
€295 including tuition, food and accommodation.
For more info email
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