WHAT – Soul Seminars – Discover your Inner World
Many people feel stressed, depressed and anxious about their own lives and the way of the world at this present time. Our focus is constantly being drawn outwards to external reality through social media, work, relationships and the current global crisis both politically and economically. The remedy to the existential crisis that this way of life creates for us is to do our inner work.
INNER WORK is essential for psychological and physical wellbeing, when we ignore the messages from the deep psyche, symptoms manifest in our everyday life as stress, anxiety, depression and problems in relationship.
“The psychological rule is that which we hold within ourselves, we meet in life as fate” CG Jung.
Whatever we are unaware of in ourselves, we act out in our everyday lives by manifesting our unconscious impulses, desires and woundedness.. At this first lecture we will explore different means and methods to heal our unconscious wounds that prevent us from living a more fulfilling and enlightened life.
What methods will you learn at this evening lecture?
How the inner world affects external reality
How to understand your dreams
How to take a shamanic journey and contact inner guides
How to use imagery and visualisation for healing
Through this course you will be taken on a journey of self discovery and given the opportunity to explore the inner depths of your being while revealing your true potential. It is an open minded space with other curious and warm hearted people looking to discover new ways of thinking and living in our current society.
We will break for tea/coffee and …read more
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