Summer Solstice Shamanic Workshop & Certificate Course in Advanced Shamanic Practice
18th June 10am-10pm, Dunderry Park, Trim, Co. Meath
€95 lunch and Dinner included, B&B €35
A solstice is an astronomical event that occurs twice each year as the Sun reaches its highest or lowest excursion relative to the celestial equator on the celestial sphere. As a result, on the day of the solstice, the Sun appears to have reached its highest or lowest annual altitude in the sky above the horizon at local solar noon. The solstices, together with the equinoxes, are connected with the seasons. In many cultures the solstices mark either the beginning or the midpoint of winter and summer.
At this day long workshop we will be participating in a ;
Sacred Sites Druidic ceremony on the hill of Tara and the fairy tree ritual.
Fire Ceremony; a ritual to burn off the old patterns to make room for the new.
Stalking awareness in Nature to connect with our power place and tune into natural intelligence
Spirit Boat, to the realms of the sidhe, fairy folk to gain wisdom and healing from the shining ones.
Shamanic Journeying to meet our animals and spirit guides to get help and healing with what ails us.
Trance Dance to the beat of tribal sounds to help connect to our deeper selves through our bodies
Facilitated by Martin Duffy, Shamanic Counsellor and Teacher
To book email or call 046 90 74455
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