Emotion-Focused Therapy for Social Anxiety
A two-day workshop with Prof. Robert Elliott, PhD.
Date: 23rd & 24th Sept, 2017
- Time:30-5pm
- Facilitator: Robert Elliott
- Location: Dublin (venue tbc)
- Fee: €350 (€300 early bird bookings made before 31/07/2017)
Training is open to counselling/clinical psychologists and accredited psychotherapists/counsellors
The workshop will be aimed at practitioners with EFT training, but also at practitioners not trained in EFT.
Emotion Focused Therapy is an empirically-supported humanistic therapy that follows in the tradition of Person-Centered and Gestalt psychotherapy, whilst also drawing on contemporary findings from affective neuroscience and research into emotional change processes in therapy. There is increasing empirical support for the idea that emotion at its core is an innate and adaptive system that has evolved to help us survive and thrive. EFT seeks to activate this innate, adaptive potential in order to help clients transform problematic, painful or stuck emotional states. Recent years have seen an increase in the popularity of EFT, as well as growing research support for its efficacy with a wide variety of problems, including depression, trauma, eating disorders and anxiety.
Workshop: Social anxiety is a common, disabling difficulty characterized by persistent fear of other people. Recent research indicates that EFT may be particularly well suited to working with clients who present with this difficulty. In this workshop, we will present an EFT theory of SA. We will describe its developmental origins in social experiences which result in primary emotional processes organized around a core sense of a shame-ridden defective self. We will explore how these emotional processes in turn give rise to secondary reactive anxiety that others will see my defectiveness, organized around a coach/critic/guarding aspect of self that, in the process of trying to keep me safe from exposure, inadvertently generates the emotional dysregulation characteristic of SA. Over the course of the workshop we will also present a model (demonstrated …read more
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