Principles of Sesame Drama and Movement Therapy Foundation Course

Special Purpose Award at Level 8 (10 credits)

The course consists of a number of weekend modules.

Dates 12/13/14 January,16/17 February, 23/24 March,

13/14/15 April, 11/12 May, 7/8/9/10 June

Interviews Fri 20 October 2017, Fri 1 December 2017

Fee € 1480

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The Sesame Approach uses movement, story-making, play and non-verbal communication as indirect, right-brain-responsive therapy which has been in practice worldwide for 53 years. It was born of a dream, Jungian based and draws on theories of human development and embodied metaphor.

A part-time course is being offered for the first time in Ireland in Cork, starting January 2018.

The course is open to applicants who wish to explore Dramatherapy with a view to further training as a professional, and to registered health/educational/spiritual practitioners wishing to extend their way of working to include the creative arts.

Modules covered are:

· The Sesame Approach and the craft of therapy

· Human Development and Analytical Psychology (Ericson, Jung)

· Story making and myth enactment

· The use of body, movement and touch (Laban, Lindkvist)

Students will be required to attend monthly modules in Cork. The learning style gives equal balance to experiential learning and theoretical understanding. The course will be delivered by senior Sesame trainers


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Original post: Irish Association of Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy