Family Constellations Training 2019
Family Constellations Training 2019
Core Concepts of Family Constellations
This Foundation Training in Family Constellations aims to up-skill those already working with families and individuals in a professional capacity. It will also help those who wish to understand better the hidden dynamics of their own family system.
Trauma and traumatic events in our own lifetime can have an enduring negative effect on our lives. It is also increasingly clear from research in neurobiology, epigenetics, somatic experiencing and psychotherapy that trauma is often carried from one generation to the next. Family Constellations work explores new ways of dealing with profound difficulties in the personal or family story. Constellation work gives us a different lens and new tools that can help clients leave traumatic experiences in the past – where they belong. It helps them let go of unwanted burdens as they move towards a more hopeful future.
This twelve-day training (80 hours CPD) offers a Certificate of Continuing Professional Development from Family Constellations Ireland Limited. We are currently accepting applications for Training in both Cork and Dublin in 2019.
The training involves a combination of inputs, interactive sessions and experiential work as well as individual constellations. Some recommended and required reading will be included. We will cover topics including
The Orders of Love
The Family as a System
Belonging and Conscience
One-to-One Settings
Theory & Practice of Constellations
Exploring Specific Issues
Dealing with Trauma
Personal Growth and Self-Care
The Phenomenological Stance
Full details and application forms are on our website here
Spring Workshops
We also offer weekend workshops. Spring 2019 dates are as follows:
January 26-27 – Mardyke House, Cork
February 9-10 – Glasthule, Dublin
March 9-10 – Mardyke House, Cork
April 27-28 – Glasthule, Dublin
These workshops, run over two days, can offer participants new insights into their family life. Working together client and therapist try to see if there is more to the family story than meets the eye. …read more
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