South Connaught IAHIP Regional Meating

The South Connaught IAHIP regional meetings are being re-established.

The first meeting is arranged for Sunday, January 20, 2019.

Time: 10:00 AM TO 1:00 PM

DISCUSSION TOPIC: Focusing in Therapy: Inviting the client’s fresh edge. Interactive seminar exploring Gene Gendlin’s focusing approach.

The theme will be presented by Simon McKibbin with the accompaniment of Marta Fabregat

Venue: Sccul Sanctuary Kilcornan, Clarinbridge

Address: Bungalow 9, Kilcornan, Clarinbridge, Co. Galway.

CPD: CPD points are awarded for attendance at regional meetings.

Students and pre-accredited members are very welcome.

Contact: Maura Dolan, 087 130 1731 or Stephanie Burke 087 065 7782

Focusing in Therapy: Inviting the Client’s Fresh Edge

Interactive seminar exploring Gene Gendlin’s Focusing approach

“There is no negative energy because what is negative, what is blocked, bears the solution implicitly within itself.” Gene Gendlin

What is Focusing?
It is a way of ‘coming home’ to yourself – a means of radical acceptance – inviting a sense of space and forward flow around even ‘impossibly stuck’ places. It is an exquisitely sensitive way of ‘being with’ what our (inner) world is telling us, often in the form of subtle feelings/sensations, in a way that is safe and gentle.

In therapy

As a therapist, focusing will offer you a mode of operating beyond the cognitive into the realm of the ‘body – intuitive’ supporting and inviting the client to connect with their deeper innate sense of what ‘right’ is for them. Classically there are 6 key steps in the Focusing process: Clearing a Space, Felt-sense, Handle, Resonating, Asking and Receiving

The Seminar

An interactive, playful and informative session with time to explore the approach in small groups as well as in plenary. Come away with: