IAHIP Supervisors Forum – Reflective Conversations to Support Supervisors


IAHIP Supervisors Forum – Saturday 21st September 2019

“Reflective Conversations to support Supervisors“

An invitation to IAHIP supervisors to engage in conversations on the following themes:

Dilemmas & challenges in the practice of supervision…

Supervisor / Supervisee relationship dynamics…

Different approaches to supervision…

The psycho-educational dimension of supervision…

Venue – Ashling Hotel, Dublin

Registration from 9:30a.m.

Start 10:30 a.m. – Finish 4:30 p.m.

Note: CPD points awarded.

Lunch & refreshments not provided.

Workshop Flyer

Please email admin@nulliahip.org to book your place

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Original post: Irish Association of Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy