Paul Rebillot’s classic ‘Hero’s Journey’ Workshop


A Seven-Day Residential Paul Rebillot Workshop Presented by The Fool’s Dance Gestalt Company

The ‘Slí an Chroí’ Centre, Kiltegan, Co. Wicklow, October 26th to November 1st, 2019.

Another opportunity to experience the classic Paul Rebillot therapeutic structure.

Do you have a sense that there could be more to life than the way that you are living now? Do you experience an inner yearning for transformation? Paul Rebillot’s ‘Hero’s Journey’ workshop could help you respond to that call from your deeper self. The workshop – an exciting group structure combining classical Gestalt process and groupwork with elements of myth, theatre, ritual, music, art and movement – is a modern-day Rite of Passage. While each participant will gain their own individual insights from the process, at its core the ‘Hero’s Journey’ focuses on the tension that can arise between the profound attraction of that inner ‘Call to Adventure’ and the difficulties that many of us experience in responding positively to the prospect of change. The ‘Hero’s Journey’ workshop has a particular relevance to today’s world when so much thatso recently seemed to be firmly set in stone is now being shaken to its foundations.

Significant change challenges us to move from one level of being to another and such a step into the unknown can call up strong resistance. Traditional societies used Rites of Passage – overseen by a ritual master or shaman – to ceremonialise, celebrate and guide members of the community on their journey through important life stages such as birth, puberty, adulthood, marriage, eldership and death. Importantly, these rituals also taught the initiates that change was part of the normal order of things and showed them ways of dealing with …read more

Original post: Irish Association of Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy