Covid-19 – Ask the Psychotherapist

What Kind Of Emotional Impact Are You Seeing With People During This Pandemic?

The words I hear most from clients are ‘strange’ and ‘weird’ to describe their view of the times we are in. The crisis has ensured the familiar has become almost unfamiliar; this is the ground on which anxieties of all kinds can flourish.

How Is Psychotherapy Helping?

It allows clients an opportunity to take stock of the pandemic’s tangible and intangible effects on them, their families and their broader lives, while providing a confidential space in which to process it all.

What Might You Say To People Who Are Struggling?

This crisis will end. Until then it is important to continue working on one’s own psychological wellbeing so that we can be strong for ourselves and for those around us.

Kevin Murphy PhD is a psychoanalytic psychotherapist in private practice in Dublin.

Member: APPI, ICP.




Some ICP registrants were asked three questions regarding the Covid-19 crisis. These three identical questions and analogous answers will be posted weekly on the ICP blog and disseminated across the social media channels – Facebook; Twitter; LinkedIn. The purpose of this Q & A is to demonstrate the psychotherapeutic experience during the coronavirus pandemic. The responses are personal to the psychotherapists’ practice and relatable to their fellow psychotherapists. This Q & A presents real life experiences of those in the mental health field.

Every psychotherapist registered with ICP is invited to engage in the programme. If you are an ICP registrant interested in making a contribution, please email your answers / contact details to