2021: New Trends in Psychotherapy
2021: New Trends in Psychotherapy
Date: 11th February 2021
Time: 7pm – 9pm
Suitable For: All Therapists
Modules: 1
CPD Hours: 2
Price: €65
Website: New Trends in Psychotherapy
Psychotherapy in an Evolving World
Psychotherapy is now a well-established profession but as we evolve as a society and grapple with the current crisis and the issues that are present to our clients it’s important for us to keep abreast of the changes and also to maximise the opportunities. We are very well placed to not only support our clients in these turbulent times – but to grow and expand our practices.
Are you ready to be innovative and adapt to this evolving world?
This workshop is for you if you would like to:
- Grow and adapt your practice keeping abreast of societal changes & challenges.
- Widen your practice beyond the consulting room.
- learn about the opportunities to apply tools and psychotherapeutic understandings to world of business and wider society.
- Be inspired about the increased relevance of psychotherapy.
The live interactive workshop will address the following topics :
- Brief intro to background of psychotherapy as a profession
- Changed societal context /challenges and increased interest in health and healing,
- Spirituality & environmental concerns – a renaissance period ?
- Role of psychotherapy across disciplines in areas such managing change, emotional intelligence, relationships and creating “success”.
- Ways you can then respond to these opportunities in your practice to be more innovative and “on trend”.
What will you achieve from this?
- Insights into current trends in society and the world of work.
- A broader perspective on the role of psychotherapy
- Learn some steps you can take to be more innovative in your practice.
- Inspiration about the opportunities for us to adapt and be part of a changed world.
The style of the workshop will be both informative and interactive and ensure that you will be able to reflect on your own practice and integrate some of the insights that will emerge for you.
Monica Haughey Psychotherapy & Consultancy
Mobile: +353 86 6061015
Email: monica@nullmonicahaughey.ie
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/monicahaughey
Website: www.monicahaughey.ie