Mental Health Contagion – The Untold Story

Mental Health Contagion – The Untold Story

Date: Friday July 2nd, 2021

Time: 12pm – 2pm

Location: Online event

Cost: €12 – €24

Book tickets via Eventbrite.

This is the first in a series of events brought to you by Minding my Mental Health Ltd. We have brought together mental health professionals, to collectively set the scene that is the catastrophic state of mental health today.

The aim is to highlight the very real, and serious problems we currently have with mental health, to bring it to the forefront of discussion, as recognition of the problem will be the first step in addressing it.

Episode one is outlining the problem and there will be further episodes which will look at solution possibilities.

The consequences of the pandemic are causing serious issues for mental health, both as a creator of problems and a trigger to existing problems. It is our aim to have an open conference which discusses the seriousness of the problem across all facets of our communities. Mental health is something relevant to everyone, it is not just for the clients or patients or the mentally ill, it is for everyone. This is not an us- them problem, it is an all of us issue.

We have brought together a number of different mental health clinicians, each speaking about their own perspective on the ways they have seen the pandemic have an impact in their clinic. Many of us work in isolation and are so busy dealing with the surge in people seeking treatment that we haven’t had time to speak about what is happening and look at ways of addressing it collectively. This seminar is open to professionals and members of the public as this is something that affects us all both personally and professionally.

This event is organised by Minding My Mental Health Ltd.

For booking tickets and further details please see our website Minding My Mental Health.