Psychoanalysis & Revolution in Ireland
Psychoanalysis & Revolution in Ireland By Nigel Mulligan
‘Psychoanalysis & Revolution in Ireland’ is a response to the growing mental – health and ‘cost of greed’ crisis that Ireland is facing now.
Psychoanalysis & Revolution in Ireland
Date: Thursday 6 July 2023
Time: 7pm – 9pm
Location: Online
Cost: €22.42
‘Psychoanalysis and Revolution in Ireland’ is a symposium that responds to the growing mental – health and ‘cost of greed’ crisis that Ireland is currently experiencing. In their 2021 manifesto ‘Psychoanalysis and Revolution: Critical Psychology for Liberation Movements’, authors Ian Parker and David Pavón-Cuéllar critique the ideological framework that sustains the patriarchal capitalistic system that is the major cause of both people’s inner personal battles and growing social ills. The importance of their manifesto, which serves as the foundational text for this symposium, is exemplified by the many languages into which it has been translated: See this website to find out more – Psychoanalysis and Revolution.
Accordingly, we aim to discuss not only the significance of its translation into Gaeilge but also how we can implement some of its revolutionary aims. In this way, the event seeks to utilise psychoanalytic theory to activate the political dimensions of people’s lives for both personal liberation and sustained social transformation.
The proceeds of this symposium will hopefully cover the costs of completing the translation to Gaeilge. The Irish artist and revolutionary Jim Fitzpatrick has generously permitted us to use his famous image of socialist and one of the signatories of the proclamation James Connolly (see above).
If you would like to donate to the cause of this translation you can donate here – Psychoanalysis & Revolution-Translation to Gaeilge.
The Ideology Trap (YouTube) (Nigel Mulligan)
“The unconscious, which we assume to be so deep and hidden inside each one of us is, itself, something outside that speaks of otherness. It is made of history, economy, society, culture, and ideology. It is a space for encounters and disagreements with others, explanations and contradictions that are debated with them, alliances, and conflicts between comrades in struggle, persuasion, and misunderstanding. It appears in the field of language we share with others.” (Parker and Pavón-Cuéllar, 2021, p. 35)
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