Opening Event with Véronique Voruz (ICLO) (9 September 2023)
Opening Event with Véronique Voruz (ICLO) (9 September 2023)
Theoretical Seminar and Clinical Cases
Date: Saturday 9 September
Time: 11am – 4pm
Location: Carmelite Centre, 56 Aungier Street, Dublin 2 D02 T258.
Cost: €10 – €20
By Irish Circle of the Lacanian Orientation (ICLO)
In-person only – opening event to inaugurate ICLO-NLS’s Annual Programme 2023/24
ICLO seminar with Véronique Voruz & clinical presentations by ICLO members
Saturday 9th September / 11am to 4pm / Carmelite Community Centre, D2
All welcome!
Véronique Voruz is a member of the Ėcole de la Cause Freudienne (ECF), the New Lacanian School (NLS) and the World Association of Psychoanalysis (WAP). Analyst of the School (A.S.) for the period 2015-2018. Former Assistant Editor of La Cause Du Désir and Managing Editor of The Lacanian Review (TLR). She co-edited The Later Lacan, SUNNY, 2007 and is the author of numerous psychoanalytic articles and chapters of books published in several languages. She was also Course Director of the MA in Psychoanalysis at Kingston University.
The Irish Circle of the Lacanian Orientation (ICLO) is a Society of the New Lacanian School (NLS).The NLS, together with the three European Schools, the École de la Cause Freudienne (ECF founded by Jacque Lacan), ELP (Spain), SLP (Italy) and the three Schools of the Americas – EOL (Argentina), EBP (Brazil), and NEL – constitute the seven Schools of the World Association of Psychoanalysis. The NLS, together with the three other European Schools, partakes of the Euro Federation of Psychoanalysis, an association that oversees the development of psychoanalysis throughout Europe.
In person event – open to all with an interest in psychoanalysis. More details at ICLO Event Webpage.
ICLO Society of the NLS – AXIS Programme 2023/24
LOOK NORMAL ! Psychoanalysis < > Depathologisation
General Admission: €20
Students: €10
4 CPD points awarded by the Association for Psychoanalysis & Psychotherapy in Ireland (APPI)
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