Reform Irish Mental Health – Petition & Submission
Reform Irish Mental Health – Petition & Submission
Eoin O’Sullivan (psychotherapist) is an ICP registrant and IAHIP accreditant. In September 2023, Eoin contacted Rea Walshe (Consultant – Chairing Board Meetings) and the ICP Board of Directors regarding advocacy / lobbying.
Eoin informed ICP of a petition that he worked on for the last 1.5 years entitled ‘Reform Irish Mental Health’, P00009/23. Eoin was invited to address the Committee on Public Petitions and the Ombudsmen at the Oireachtas on 28/09/2023 in relation to the issues raised by the petition.
Eoin had to submit an opening statement on 18/09/2023 and wanted to include a letter of support from ICP on the issues he raised. ICP agreed with the points outlined in his submission. Hence, ICP contributed to the final stages of lobbying for the issues the petition addressed via the letter of support sent to the Committee on Public Petitions and the Ombudsmen on 18/09/2023.
Eoin thanked ICP and forwarded ICP the Oireachtas links. Please find below the links to the petition and session. The session starts approximately 50 minutes into the video recording.
Thu, 28 Sep 2023 Committee on Public Petitions and the Ombudsmen
Opening Statement (Eoin O’Sullivan) (Petitioner)
Reform of Mental Health Services: Discussion
Decisions on Public Petitions Received
Response from the Department of Finance (JCPP-r-1338a-2023)
Refutation of That Response to Department of Finance (JCPP-r-1338a-2023)