Why War? A Psychoanalytic Enquiry
Why War? A Psychoanalytic Enquiry
Seminar debates how psychoanalysis makes room for aggressivity in human relations & this is vital to understanding conflict & difference
By Freud Lacan institute (FLi)
Why War? A Psychoanalytic Enquiry
Date: Friday 8 December 2023
Time: 6:30pm – 8:30pm
Location: Online
Cost: From €22.42
About This Event
In the most recent issue of the London Review of Books, Jacqueline Rose writes of the conflict in Israel/Gaza that there is a need to bring psychoanalytic understanding to the negotiating table. “One thing seems clear. None of this will just disappear if we ignore it. You cannot dream the unconscious away.” (J.Rose,‘You made me do it’: Jacqueline Rose on violence and its origins, LRB. Vol.45 No.23, 30 November 2023).
The Freud Lacan institute (FLi) chooses not to ignore it.
With reflective remarks by John O’Donoghue, Anouchka Grose, Jordan Osserman, and Jerry Fromm (bios below), this seminar organied by FLi offers a conversation about the psychical propensity for aggression in people, the disposition to violence and cruelty that hangs over groups, and the forces that render them latent and sublimated, especially at this extremely worrying time of global warring and factionalism. One of the gifts of psychoanalysis is the room it makes for aggressivity as a component feature of human subjectivity and the important ways this is sublimated. Taking Freud’s letter to Einstein “Why War?” and the essays “Thoughts for the Time on War and Death” and “Civilisation and its Discontents,” we will explore what psychoanalysis offers at this very sensitive time.
See Freud Lacan institute (FLi) website for readings in support of this event and details of upcoming courses and programs in 2024.
Queries to coursedirector@nullfreudlacaninstitute.com
2 CPD points awarded by APPI.
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