All items posted under the category “News”

Teaching Clients Emotion Tolerance Skills

Teaching Clients Emotion Tolerance Skills

Presented by Dr Maggie Stanton & Christine Dunkley.

Date:      16th May 2014

Venue:   St Patrick’s College Maynooth

£120 (€150) until 16th April then £135 (€165)

Please find our full workshop details for training HERE.

Original post: IAHIP Classified Ads related to CPD

Professional Certificate in Sex & Pornography Addiction


Professional Certificate in Sex & Pornography Addiction

30 Hour CPD Programme Now Booking


Sex addiction, especially in relation to pornography, has received a lot of attention in recent years and the number of people seeking treatment for this issue has increased significantly.  Counsellors are reporting that pornography addiction in particular, has become a common concern in relationships, with couples and individuals seeking therapeutic help.

Have you had clients come to you with issues in this area and felt that you were not equipped to assist them?  Would you benefit from increased understanding of compulsive sexual behaviours and appropriate techniques to address these problems?   The need for help in this area is definitely growing, and with a low number of therapists available to work with these issues, this is clearly an area of opportunity for interested counsellors.

PCI College is now offering a Professional Certificate in Sex & Pornography Addiction (1) to equip qualified counsellors with the knowledge and skills to work confidently and effectively with clients who present with these concerns.

The Course takes place in PCI College, Dublin City Centre campus, 7 Burgh Quay.  Course content includes:

Saturday 5th April: Day 1 – Beginning Recovery: Assessment, Education, Support
Sunday 6th April: Day 2 – Roots of Sexual Addiction: Attachment, Trauma, Opportunity
Saturday 26th April: Day 3 – Long-term Recovery Issues: Life Balance, Healthy Sexuality
Sunday 27th April: Day 4 – Issues for Couples & Families: Disclosure, Trust-Building
Saturday 14th June: Day 5 – Integration & Assessment Day

The fee for this programme is €780 and places can be booked online now. (2) This 30 hour CPD will be facilitated by PCI College President Eoin Stephens, a leading expert in addictions and Eilish McGuinness, qualified schema therapist.

If you have any queries or questions about the course, contact us at (01) 464 2268 or email

Original post: IAHIP Classified Ads related to CPD

Katie McGing honoured at FTAI AGM 2014

Katie McGing

Dr. Imelda McCarthy, Fifth Province Centre, Dublin, made a presentation, on behalf of the FTAI, to Katie McGing at the recent FTAI AGM on the 1st March 2014, and spoke about Katie’s enormous contribution to Family Therapy in Ireland as follows:

It is such a delicious privilege to honour Katie McGing, one of the five founders of our Association. Next year, FTAI will be 40 years old and our honoured guest will be all of 90 years old.

In 1974, the Irish Association of Social Workers had a team of five people organise events around the Year of the Family. This team of Social Workers included, Katie McGing, Philip Kearney, Barbara Kohnstamm, Susan Lindsay and Josephine Glynn. At the end of the year, the IASW suggested that this team continue their work outside of the association and so the Family Therapy Network of Ireland, as it was known then, was born in 1975.

Since the outset, Katie was a generous, dynamic and creative force. She opened her home to meetings along with Angela Walsh and she also organised peer group sessions at her agency, St. Michael’s House where she was a senior Social Worker. Here, groups of us had opportunities to see some families using a one way screen. She also invited Virginia Satir to Ireland on a few occasions in the early days. Also, it was Katie who honoured Virginia at the First International Family Therapy Association in Dublin in 1988. Virginia had been invited but unfortunately had died of pancreatic cancer a short time before the meeting. Katie was also on the ‘core group’ of the Network for many years. This was a group of seven who met regularly plotting and planning a future that might unfold.
We dreamed of training programmes and I remember getting Feedback, our Newsletter, up and

Original post: Family Therapy Association of Ireland

1-Day Workshop: Sex, Love & Porn Addiction

Partners NL 2

Personal & Professional Development

 1-Day Workshop:  Sex, Love & Porn Addiction

 Cork; Saturday, 5th April 2014 (9:30am – 4:30pm)

 Dublin; Friday, 11th April 2014 (9:30am – 4:30pm)

Intended Audience

Counsellors, psychotherapists, psychologists and mental health professionals who need to update themselves on the rapidly increasing area of digitally based addictions particularly sex, love and porn addiction.

Course Details

The rapid development of the Internet and broadband capable technology has enabled the increase in sex, love and porn addictions.  This has created a new phenomenon of digitally based addictions.

Unlike substance based addictions that have identifiable physical symptoms digital and process addictions can be more difficult to identify and treat.

Sex, love and porn addictions have always been there but they are now becoming more prevalent with the increased availability, ease of access and lack of censure or control.

This workshop will look at how to identify when someone is engaged in sexually based addictive behaviour.  It will cover the similarities with other addictions and also the unique elements attached to digitally based sex, love and porn addiction/dependency.


Radisson Blu Hotel & Spa, Little Island Business Park, Cork.

IMI Conference Centre, Sandyford Road, Dublin 16.

Cost:  €95.00 inclusive (training, tea/coffee breaks, lunch & hand-outs)


See PDF for more details

Original post: IAHIP Classified Ads related to CPD

Psychotherapy, Spirituality and the Soul

Psychotherapy, Spirituality and the Soul

withThomas Moore, Ph.D.
May 19 – 23, 2014
Galway, Ireland

About The Presenter

Thomas Moore, Ph.D., is a leading figure in the field of spirituality, mythology, and psychology. He is the author of many bestselling books including Care of the Soul and the recently released Care of the Soul in Medicine. His work has focused on deepening spirituality and cultivating soul in every aspect of life. A former monk, university professor and a psychotherapist for over 35 years, he lectures widely on holistic medicine, spirituality, depth psychology and the arts.

For his work in the field of psychotherapy and spirituality, Dr. Moore was honored with the Humanitarian Award from Albert Einstein College of Medicine. Three of his books have won the prestigious Books for a Better Life Award. He is currently completing his 16th book entitled A Religion of One’s Own.

Symposium Description

In this symposium, Dr. Moore will offer a way to practice soul-based psychotherapy, an approach that has ancient roots and has been developed by C. G. Jung, James Hillman and Thomas Moore. It is primarily for psychotherapists of all kinds, but since psycho-therapy here means caring for the soul in distress, which can include physical and social symptoms, the course is also designed for anyone looking for meaning and a release from suffering.

In this symposium, Dr. Moore will discuss ancient’s myths related to therapy: Artemis, Daphne, Chiron, Acteon, Hermes, Aphrodite, Asklepios. A presentation on Jung will focus on his own methods of self-therapy, including play, active imagination, personification and artistic expression. Participants will learn James Hillman’s work on images, his ideas on therapy, anima mundi (soul in the world), the polytheistic psyche, and the role of beauty. Participants will also learn how to use dreams and the arts in therapy and how to employ deep intuition and other

Original post: IAHIP Classified Ads related to CPD

21st Birthday Stories


An Audience with IAHIP

Talk 1:

On the occasion of its 21st Anniversary IAHIP members became an audience and listened to Former Chairs Susan Lindsay  and Ger Murphy tell the story of IAHIP’s beginnings. Remembering and celebrating the work of twenty-one years, the stories gathered momentum and wove their magic as Brid Cummins enchanted us with the values of Deep Democracy and the consequences of not paying attention to everything in the system. The host is Pauline Dolan.  (Time 28:59)


Talk 2:

Devotees of Magic, the Limits of Argument, Politics without reason and Before the White Man Came.

Professor John Baker reunited with Edward Boyne try and reconcile the gap between politics, reason and research. The clip finishes with Ed Boyne reading two of his poems.

(Time 24:44)

Talk 3:

Gillian De Murtis, Isobel Mahon and Maeve Lewis.

IACP member Gillian De Murtus  shares her experience of a workshop she attended with Professor Ivor Brown. Isobel Mahon introduces us to her creative production A Box of Frogs and Maeve Lewis remembers how she felt when ten thousand people, in solidarity with those that had been hurt while in institutional care, marched silently through O’Connell Street and were honoured by spontaneous applause in June 2009.


Talk 4:

IAHIP’s 21st Anniversary wine reception and Chair’s Address.

Vice-chair Anne Colgan kicks off the Celebration of IAHIP’s 21 years, a newly accredited member fulfils a wish,  and old friends meet  new faces. Chair Eileen Prendeville addresses the members on the responsibilities of handling disclosures of child sexual abuse and believes IAHIP can be an “agent of change” to dispel the historical myth that “someone else is doing something.” (20:10)

Original post: Irish Association of Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy

Trainin in Supervision Programme – Clanwilliam Institute

Training in Supervision Programme

Clanwilliam Institute invites application for their 18month part-time Training in Supervision Programme (TISP).

This programme is accredited by FTAI.

Entry requirements for this programme are 2 year post FTAI registration.

Enquiries to Michelle Mc Cafferty – 01 6761363 or
Closing date for receipt of application is February 28th 2014
Interviews will be held on Friday afternoon, 7th March here in CWI.

Original post: Family Therapy Association of Ireland

Married to the Job

Married to the Job
Going into business with your spouse can be a dream or a nightmare – good communication is the key to making it work
Sheila Wayman – The Irish Times Nov 11 2013

When Jamie and Lisa Cobbe gave up jobs in Dublin to start a business together in the west, they had to learn to speak to each other as colleagues – not as a couple – during working hours.
It took a good six months to sort out their working relationship, after starting Water Babies, a baby swimming programme, in the west.
“If there was an issue in the office we would argue it out as a couple instead of discussing it like colleagues,” says Lisa. “It made me realise that if we were going to stay together, we had to learn how to speak to each other properly.”
Even after that realisation, it was a conversation they had “to revisit a couple of times”, says Jamie.

Family’s future
As with any new venture, there were initial financial difficulties and self-doubt. But for the Cobbes, who had two young children, there was the additional pressure of staking the whole family’s future on the business.
“We had for a long time wanted to move to the west coast but we had never been able to figure out how to do it,” says Jamie. For him, surfing was the big draw; for Lisa, it was having her mother, sister and brother living in Galway.
It was only after taking their first child, Leon, now aged four, to Water Babies in Dublin, that they spotted a franchise opportunity that might make it all possible.
But two significant life events – the death of Jamie’s father and the birth of their second child, Marley, now aged three – delayed their pursuit

Original post: Family Therapy Association of Ireland

Not having children leads to exclusion for couples, even more so if they have decided not to reproduce

Choosing a different direction
Not having children leads to exclusion for couples, even more so if they have decided not to reproduce

Ask anyone who does not have children and they will be able to easily recount moments when they have been excluded from conversations.
Charlie Taylor –Irish Times
First published: Tue, Sep 17, 2013, 01:00

Ireland is experiencing a baby boom. According to official figures, there were 72,225 births registered here in 2012, a slight decrease on the preceding year, but still a higher per capita birth rate than any other EU state.
Given the large number of youngsters in the country, it isn’t too surprising that their upbringing is a regular topic of conversation. Discussions concerning the right age to wean, the right school to attend and the right life lessons to pass on reign large. Except, that is, if you are childless.
Ask anyone who does not have children and they will be able to easily recount moments when they have been excluded from conversations and even events because they are not parents.
Not having children leads to awkwardness and exclusion for couples, even more so if they have decided not to reproduce.

Bernadette Ryan, a counsellor with Relationships Ireland, believes people generally are suspicious of those who don’t conform and are especially so in the case of childless couples.
“Our society is highly suspicious, resentful even of those who go against the norm. But when it comes to babies and children, there is an added thing as they also wonder what kind of a person wouldn’t want them?
“It is considered fine if a couple can’t have children, then we can feel sorry for them and will offer our sympathy. But if they actually do not want them, then we feel there must be something wrong,” she says.<br

Original post: Family Therapy Association of Ireland

ICP Newsletter February 2014

The ICP Newsletter for February 2014 can be downloaded by clicking on the link below.  This is the first time ICP is sending you an electronic version of the Newsletter as it is no longer printing it.  Unluckily, due to the lateness of this issue some of the events in the Notice Board are now out of date, please accept our apologies but ICP is still getting the grips with this new medium.

Hope you enjoy the Newsletter.

Jose Castilho, Vice-Chair, Irish Council for Psychotherapy

Download ICP Newsletter Feb 2014