All items posted under the category “News”

The Weekday emigrants

The weekday emigrants
Significant numbers of people now work abroad, away from their families, often for lifestyle reasons

Sat, Feb 22, 2014, 00:00 Irish Times
Ciara Kenny

Cheaper airfares have allowed for an increase in cross-border commuting from one European country to another in recent years, but it was the advent of the recession in 2008 which led to the most significant rise of this kind of migration out of Ireland, as families in particular have opted for one member to commute long-distance to work abroad rather than uprooting the whole family and emigrating together.
A surprising result of University College Cork’s extensive study last year on the impact of emigration on Irish society revealed that households in commuter-belt areas, where homeowners are more likely to be in negative equity and have young children, had low levels of emigration. Just 11 per cent had seen a family member emigrate since 2006, compared with a national average of 17 per cent.
The report’s authors concluded that it was in these areas that “commuter migrants” were most likely to be found, that is, where one member of the household is working outside the country and travelling back and forth regularly.

If they could, these people might have upped sticks and emigrated as a family unit to London or Paris or Australia, but because they are saddled with burdensome mortgages, family emigration might not be an option,” explains David Ralph of UCC’s Institute for Social Science in the 21st Century. He is currently carrying out a separate research study to explore the phenomenon of “Euro-commuting” in further detail.
In 27 of the 30 couples Ralph has interviewed so far, the woman remains here in Ireland, usually with children, while the man travels to work in another EU country, usually in one of the major cities such

Original post: Family Therapy Association of Ireland

One Day Workshop with Dr. Karl Tomm


Interpersonal Patterns of Interaction that influence Mental Health

One Day Workshop
Dr. Karl Tomm

Date: Monday, 31st March 2014

Time: 9.00a.m. – 5.00p.m.
(Registration from 8.30a.m.)

Venue: Ashling Hotel, Parkgate Street, Dublin 8.

Further details to follow

Date for your Diary Karl Tomm 1-day Workshop 31st March 2014

Original post: Family Therapy Association of Ireland

The Fifth Province Systemic Cafe

The Fifth Province
Systemic Cafe
Venue: The Sandymount Hotel, Dublin 4.
Date: Tuesday 11th February 2014
Time: 7.00pm – 9.00pm
Topic: The Fifth Province

The Fifth Province Model was developed in the early 1980s by Dr. Imelda McCarthy, Phil Kearney and Dr. Nollaig Byrne. The notion of the ‘Fifth Province’ is derived from Irish mythology, where the word for Province is ‘coiced’ or ‘cuige’ which also means ‘fifth’, a space where anything is possible. Working in Ireland in the 1980s, the Fifth Province group applied this idea to their work with Irish Families to facilitate both client and therapists to move with one another co-creatively.

At the Systemic Café, Nollaig Byrne, Imelda McCarthy and Phil Kearney will be interviewed by Marie Keenan. This will be a wonderful opportunity to hear more about the model which has had a major influence on systemic theory and practice both in Ireland and internationally.

A FREE GLASS OF WINE, BEER OR BALLYGOWAN AWAITS YOU! Continuing Professional Development (CPD) = 2 hours CPD certificates will be issued by the Family Therapy Assoc. of Ireland (FTAI). See you @ the Systemic Café
The Fifth Province Systemic Cafe 11th February 2014

Original post: Family Therapy Association of Ireland

Dressage: A poem by Jane Clarke


You find your seat by riding

without saddle or reins,

sit deep, fall off, get on again.

Give and take with lightness

of hand and leg, shift your weight

as you feel how she needs to move.

You find your rhythm by listening

to the sequence of hoofs,

count the beat of every stride.

Learn to read how she holds her head;

when to steady,

when to ask her to lengthen her pace

so the moment between lifting and falling

is held, sometimes so long

that together you don’t touch the ground.

Jane Clarke

Original post: Irish Group Analytic Society

The Bert Hellinger Institute of Ireland CPD 2014

Irish Group for Systemic Constellation Work


The Bert Hellinger Institute of Ireland

Continuing Professional Development 2014


Deepening into Contactful Presence using Constellations

For participants already familiar with Constellation work.

2 workshops available singularly or combined:

Workshop 1:  Philippa Lubbock : Euro: 300 :   2days

Workshop 2:  Albrecht Mahr :      Euro 450  :  3 days

Combined workshops: Euro: 700

Presence with Philippa Lubbock:

A 2day workshop April 5 – 6 

We are delighted to welcome back to Ireland Phillipa Lubbock whose healing work, life alignment and attunement takes the authenticity of constellation work to a deeper level.  Philippa was one of the first teachers to bring family constellation work to Ireland. A faculty member of The Hellinger Institute of Britian, She was one of the core group who learned from Bert Hellinger when constellation work was in its very infancy and has seen it develop in its many strands to what it encompasses today. One of the vital aspects of constellation work is presence. Philippa has a quality of presence that touches deeply in a healing way.

Philippa Lubbock is a Life Alignment teacher and practitioner who found her way to energy healing through a winding path that included classical music, theatre, bodywork and psychology. She trained as a Gestalt therapist and a Family Constellation facilitator. She is the author of Life Alignment: Heal Your Life and Discover Your Soul’s True Purpose. A faculty member of The Hellinger Institute of Britian, She was one of the core group who learned from Bert Hellinger when constellation work was in its very infancy and has seen it develop in its many strands to what it encompasses today. One of the vital aspects of constellation work is presence. Philippa has a quality of presence that touches deeply in a healing way.


Contact with Albrecht Mahr: 

3 day

Original post: IAHIP Classified Ads related to CPD

AGM 2014


The IAHIP AGM for 2014 is being held in the Savoy Hotel, Henry Street, Limerick on Saturday 1st March 2014 commencing at 11.00am with registration from 10.15am.

On Friday 28th February the Mid-West regional group of IAHIP members is organising a gathering in the Savoy Hotel at 7.45pm for an 8.15pm start and again we really welcome as many of you as possible to gather for this fun and informal evening.

Ursula Somerville, MIAHIP, Honorary Secretary. 

Original post: Irish Association of Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy

We need to start talking about sexual dysfunction in an open way
Wednesday 29 Jan, 2014
We need to start talking about sexual dysfunction in an open way
It’s almost impossible to bring up the subject of premature ejaculation without provoking a cringe or a giggle, but it’s no joke for the one in five men (of all ages) who suffer from this common dysfunction, writes Trish Murphy.

IT IS PRETTY much impossible to bring up the subject of premature ejaculation (PE) in conversation without provoking a cringe or a giggle, or both. We’ve all heard the one about the man suffering from PE – he’s ok now but it was touch and go for a while.

However, PE is no joke for the one in five men who suffer from this common male sexual dysfunction. PE affects more men than erectile dysfunction (ED) yet it has traditionally received far less attention than ED, perhaps because of a historical lack of understanding. It also affects men of all ages, despite sometimes being associated with young men. Last week saw something of a first in Irish society – the launch of the new Take Control campaign to highlight the condition and encourage men to talk about it.

Before thinking about solutions, it’s worth considering the issue in a wider societal context. There is no doubt that ‘good’ sex is commonly and misleadingly represented by the mainstream media and porn as requiring lengthy periods of penetrative sex. This leads to rather skewed societal definitions of sexual pleasure and glosses over the fact that many men will last a matter of minutes between penetration and orgasm.

Pornography creates a lot of problems.

That being said, in my practice as a psychotherapist, my work involves therapy for sexual and intimacy difficulties and over the past ten years both myself and my colleagues have seen a growing number of young people

Original post: Family Therapy Association of Ireland

Oscailt Advanced Course in Mindfulness


Integrative Health Centre


Advanced Course in Mindfulness

Mindfulness Contextualised

an exploration of the psychological roots of mindfulness

training for Health and Mental Health Professionals and those wishing to deepen their practice 


January 2014 dates: Sat  Jan 25th, Sat  Feb 15th, Sat  March 22nd,  Sat May 10th & Sat May 24th

 from 10.00 am to 4.00 pm

Mindfulness is central to buddhist psychology, a psychology that is compatible with, although different from, western psychology. An understanding of the psychological matrix from which mindfulness emerges can greatly enhance our experience and understanding of the practice of mindfulness.  This course will explore:

  1. The anatomy of mindfulness
  2. Contrasting eastern and western approaches to both well/ ill being
  3.  the unconscious from  Eastern and Western perspectives
  4. 7 factors that support  mindfulness
  5.  5 hindrances to the cultivating mindfulness


The course is for people who have already had some training in mindfulness and who are interested in –

  • understanding the psychological matrix from which the practice of mindfulness emerges;
  • deepening their personal mindfulness practice; and
  • integrating mindfulness into their existing  professional practice.

The course will be facilitated by Mary O’Callaghan.  As well as being an experienced mindfulness trainer, Mary is an accredited psychotherapist and supervisor.  She has an MA in Jungian Studies. Before becoming a psychotherapist she lived as a buddhist nun and underwent intensive training in buddhist psychology and meditation practices.  She is now committed to integrating mindfulness practices into everyday life.

Venue: Oscailt, 8 Pembroke Road, Dublin 4.   Cost: €420


Phone Oscailt (01) 6603872


Original post: IAHIP Classified Ads related to CPD

16th European Symposium in Group Analysis e-Newsletter #4

Lisbon Symposium 2014

Dear Colleagues,

As you may know the 16th European Symposium in Group Analysis “Art Meets Science: Exploring Challenges and Changes” will take place in Lisbon, Portugal, from 28 July to 1 August 2014.

Some of the most fascinating issues regarding our work will be addressed: to what extent is conducting groups a conceptualized, rational approach or a matter of our intuition, creativity and impulse?
How much Art do we need in our daily practice? How much Science is necessary to make Group Analysis a coherent, credible and convincing way to treat mental suffering? These complex issues will be addressed and discussed by our invited Keynote Speakers as well as during the Academic and Experiential Programme.

This Symposium will be  a challenge not only for those who work in analytical therapeutic settings like group analysts or psychotherapists (individual/group/family) but also for those who engage in other therapies like art therapy or psychodrama. Furthermore there are many other applications of group analysis: either in medical settings, in educational settings, in organisational settings or in research about group processes and therapeutic outcomes.

With this e-mail we are asking for your collaboration in the promotion of the Symposium through your website. In this context, please click here to access the promotional banner and flyer.

We thank you for your support and collaboration.

Kind regards,

The Symposium Secretariat
Leading – Your Congress Organizer
Largo da Lagoa, 15F
2795-116 Linda-a-Velha
T.+351 217 712 634

Original post: Irish Group Analytic Society

IICP Education and Training Ltd – Upcoming CPD Training


                       IICP Education and Training Ltd

   Providing a Centre of Academic and Professional Excellence in Counselling and Psychotherapy Education and Practice.


 Two Day Workshop on Couples Counselling-Leading to Diploma:

Facilitated by Dr. Fergus Heffernan, this two day workshop is idea for therapists who wish to learn more about couples’ therapy. Fergus will assist participants is exploring the story of the couple as well as examining the use of geneograms as an adjunct to therapy. Learners will be encouraged to engage in self-reflection and increase their awareness of their own process. Learners who complete this workshop can opt to attend 10 additional evening sessions towards the award of Diploma in Couples Counselling, including a QQI single subject certificate for a Relationship Counselling Module at Level 7 on the NFQ.

Dates:          Sunday 12th January 2014 & Sunday 16th February 2014

Cost:             €95.00 (€75 for IICP Alumni/VCS Counsellors)

 Professional Certificate in the Therapeutic Use of Mindfulness:

Facilitated by Padraig O’Morain, author of Light Mind, mindfulness for daily living (Veritas 2009), this three day programme is intended for practitioners in counselling and in mental health generally who would like to add mindfulness to the range of interventions available to them for helping clients and who would like to use mindfulness in their own lives. The course is meant to introduce participants to the practice of mindfulness; to help them to deepen their practice if they already use mindfulness; and to teach participants, through theory and role-play, to use mindfulness with clients. Participants will gain a rewarding life skill and a valuable tool for intervention.

Dates:         Fridays 31st January 2014, 7th & 14th February 2014 (IICP Dublin Venue)

Fridays 21st February 2014, 7th & 14th March 2014

Original post: IAHIP Classified Ads related to CPD