All items posted under the category “News”

Irish Group for Systemic Constellation Work Formerly (The Bert Hellinger Institute of Ireland).

Continuing Professional Development 2014

Deepening into Contactful Presence using Constellations For participants already familiar with Constellation work.

Module 1: Praxis: January 18 – 19, 2014: 

Praxis: with Colette Green and Carmel O Connor

Module 2: Presence:  April 5 – 6, 2014: 

We are delighted to welcome back to Ireland Phillipa Lubbock whose healing work, life alignment and attunement takes the authenticity of constellation work to a deeper level.

 Module 3:  Contact:  June 27-28-29, 2014:

Albrecht Mahr returns for the third time to give us three days of his mastery in family constellations working to deepen our contact.

 Module 4:  September 20 – 21, 2014:

One day in the arena (Blarney) and one day at Mardyke house (Cork). Moving with presence and in contact we clear the space and enter un-entangled

Introducing constellation work with horses (on the ground and no previous contact with horses is necessary).  Horses are exquisite representatives and they mirror for us in an extraordinary way when we are open to their wisdom.  This module will offer us specific individual learning opening our field of connection and process of working with others.

 With: Deirdre Kennedy, Carmel O’Connor & Colette Green

Information and booking please contact Trainers:

Carmel: 0862260237/

Colette : 0868267687/

Original post: IAHIP Classified Ads related to CPD

Adopt an Open Approach to Historic Secret

Irish American Child Legacy needs State Help to Unravel, says Valerie O’Brien
Published in The Sunday Times, 17th Nov 2013 p 17.

History and story-telling is something that we, as Irish people,think we are good at but many realise now there are some stories that get told more readily than others. In the wake of the recent Ryan, Murphy and McAleese reports, many previously untold stories have come forth.

Stephen Frear’s film“Philomena” shines a light on another aspect of Irish life in need of urgent attention. It has brought the story of the clandestine adoption of Irish children by US families to the fore. These stories have been both ‘known’ and ‘unknown’ here in Ireland. Mike Milotte’s book ‘Banished Babies’ suggests that at least 2,400 children were adopted in the period from early 1940’s to early 1970’s. These children are now adults predominantly in their 50’s and 60’s and their mothers are elderly. We know that many have been searching for their Irish families and likewise many Irish families have been searching for their lost children.

The stories of the adoptions are invariably linked with unplanned pregnancies and the very limited options open to young womenin Ireland at the time. Unplanned pregnancy can still be a major shock but, historically, it was greeted as a great trauma with very limited and stark options open to the single woman who found herself pregnant. If marriage was not a possibility or wanted, the ‘situation’ necessitated a solution that would deal with the sin, shame and secrecy associated with her ‘condition’. The fathers were kept largely invisible by a society who saw a role for a father only if marriage was an option.

It was as a

Original post: Family Therapy Association of Ireland

Sitting on the edge of intelligence

Disability Psychotherapy Ireland presents:

Sitting at the edge of intelligence:
how to work therapeutically with people with intellectual disabilities

A day seminar with Dr Alan Corbett

This seminar will examine some of the key issues in working therapeutically with people with intellectual disabilities.

The seminar will focus on:
Notions of Intelligence, Disability and Defence
The Therapeutic Alliance
Clinician attributes and experiences
Consent and Assessment
Organisations and systems
Private Practice

Further details:
The rights of people with intellectual disabilities to equal treatment,as enshrined in international legislation, continues to be flouted by too many psychotherapists and counsellors, as well as by the majority of trainings that refuse to teach trainees how to work with patients with disabilities. This seminar will examine how all clinicians, regardless of theoretical background, can ensure they are equipped to provide services for this significant section of our society.

The speaker will examine what personal and professional qualities are needed to build a secure therapeutic alliance with clients from all parts of the disability spectrum – mild, moderate and severe – and case examples from over two decades of practice will be used to illustrate what works and what doesn’t. The differences between working in private practice and within organisations will be examined, alongside new theoretical concepts such as the disabled transference and the disabled organisation.

The seminar will be of interest to a wide range of clinicians – including those completely new to disability therapy, and those already working in the field.

About the speaker:
Dr Corbett is a pioneer in the field of learning disability with over 2 decades of clinical practice experience.  He is former Clinical Director at Respond, the CARI (Children At Risk in Ireland) Foundation and ICAP (Immigrant Counselling & Psychotherapy).  He currently works in private practice and is a consultant psychotherapist, lecturer, researcher and author.

Venue: The Teacher’s Club, Parnell Square.
Time: 10

Original post: IAHIP Classified Ads related to CPD

Monica Whyte becomes Chairperson of the National Family Therapy Organisation section of EFTA

Irish presence in Istanbul a success!
October 2013

In Istanbul, at the recent European Family Therapy Association conference – our representative, Monica Whyte was not only voted onto the board of EFTA but she was also voted Chairperson of her Chamber the NFTO section of EFTA. We are extremely proud of Monica and are not surprised at her selection, as she has been extremely hardworking, popular and insightful.

At the conference, Monica worked from 7am to 8pm every day and on one occasion, together with Phil Kearney, she persevered until 12 midnight to ensure that EFTA elected a board. Valerie O’Brien very ably conducted the election in a transparent and professional manner. Phil Kearney continues to put in a huge amount of work on the Board as the Training Institute representative and Marie Keenan and Valerie O Brien are our NFTO representatives.

The conference in Istanbul was a tremendous success with the host country providing an excellent venue and fabulous organisation. There was a large Irish contingent participating at the conference and below are a sample of what was on offer:

. ‘Family Therapy in the face of New Emerging Conditions’ – Nora Bateson in conversation with Imelda McCarthy

. ‘Porn- Raising the issues and focusing on young people’ – Trish Murphy

. ‘Quality in Family Therapy Training: Integrating Theory and Practice’ – Aileen Tierney & Aine O Reilly

. ‘Systemic Therapy for Child focused problems’ – Alan Carr

. ‘Maintaining a space for understanding systemic psychotherapy for people labelled with an intellectual disability and the systems that support them; – Grania Clarke

. ‘Recent research on Major Models of Systemic Therapy in an Irish Context’ – Alan Carr

. ‘The Fifth Provence and Kinship care: Enhancing Understanding of Network Relationships’ – Valerie O’Brien

. ‘Allegation of Child Abuse in Post-divorce Couple Process: Conflict Management and Harm Reduction’ – Jim

Original post: Family Therapy Association of Ireland

Adolescents and Substance Use: The handbook for professionals working with young people

We are delighted to announce details of a book entitled Adolescents and Substance Use, which has been co-written by Ann Campbell, Vice-Chair FTAI. This book will be launched on the 9th December 2013.
The unique link to the book on the publisher’s website is:

Adolescents and Substance Use: The handbook for professionals working with young people
By: Philip James, Caitríona Kearns, Ann Campbell, Bobby Smyth
This highly practical manual presents an ideal introduction to adolescent substance use. It offers invaluable guidance for all professionals involved with adolescents including social workers, health and social care professionals, youth workers, family support workers, teachers, counsellors, mental health teams, A&E staff, police and probation officers. The approach these practitioners take in dealing with the problem has considerable influence over outcomes.
It succinctly covers a wealth of information on key matters such as counselling, treatment options, motives for substance abuse, sexual and mental health, policy development, ethical and legal considerations, and the important role of the family.
Adolescents and Substance Use provides a user-friendly foundation for effective, evidence-based practice.

Original post: Family Therapy Association of Ireland

Dublin Centre and North Regional IAHIP Meeting

Next meeting, Date Wednesday 13th November, Time:  7.30 – 9.15

Location:  Fairview Therapy Centre, 21, Fairview, Dublin 3.

Hello to all IAHIP Therapists in this region. I hope you enjoyed our lovely Autumn and feel ready to embrace the chilly Winter days ahead!

I look forward to meeting you all again and I also wish to extend a welcome to any Therapist who wishes to join our group at this meeting. Please send items for the Agenda to me at

Breda Butler

Dublin (North & Central) Regional Representative

Original post: Irish Association of Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy

Notice of 2013 IGAS AGM

Dear Society members, Please be advised that the

2013 Annual General Meeting of the Society will be held on Friday 22nd November 2013 from 10.00 till 12.30

 at the Carmilite Community Centre, Aungier Street, Dublin 2

Also, please note that in order to communicate faster and more economically the Management Committee has decided to send all information electronically (postal only if necessary and on request).  AGM Minutes, Agenda and Reports will be posted soon.

Original post: Irish Group Analytic Society

2 CONFERENCE PAPERS: The Irish Matrix, Young People and Self-Harm

We are delighted to be able to present two papers from our October Event:

“Suicide and Self-harm in the Irish Foundation Matrix with Particular Reference to Young People”

Teresa Mason’s Paper

Kevin Power’s Paper

Noel Keane, Chair IGAS

Original post: Irish Group Analytic Society