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Welcome to the new site for the Irish Council of Psychotherapy. As well as informative information about the various sections of Psychotherapy, we have also provided access to our National Register of Members.
The NIIHR was inaugurated in November 1990. A registered charity and a limited company, it aims to provide a forum for the discussion and advancement of psychoanalytic approaches to the understanding of personal and social difficulties. Members work in public and private settings, with individuals and with groups.
The Institute acts as a focus of interest and commitment for those whose major professional concern is in psychoanalytic psychotherapy and related fields. It also offers public events for those who wish to explore the relevance of psychodynamic ideas to different contexts.
Current Work of the Institute
The current programme includes:
• monthly reading groups
• visiting speakers
• public conferences
• the development of specialist sections
• clinical seminars in specialist areas
• research (a list of papers produced by Institute members is available on request)
• continued promotion of links with professional bodies in the UK and Ireland
• the establishment of an EAP accredited ‘top up’ training programme
• accreditation and registration of psychotherapists in Northern Ireland
Institutional Affiliations and Associations
The Institute is a member organisation of the Irish Council for Psychotherapy. The Institute also has links with the NHS Centre for Psychotherapy in Belfast.
Organisation of the Institute
Each year the Annual General Meeting elects an executive committee, who undertake the day-to-day running of the Institute.
Group Work Section
Regular meetings promote the application of group analysis, and offer support to colleagues in their professional and clinical work. The Section has also developed relations with sister organisations in the Republic of Ireland, Scotland and England.
Applying for Membership
Those interested in applying for membership should contact: The Secretary, NIIHR, 2 Malone Road, Belfast BT9 5BW ( Full membership is open to suitably qualified psychoanalytic psychotherapists.
• Trainee Membership is open to students on recognised training courses in psychoanalytic psychotherapy.
• Associate Membership is open to those with an interest in psychoanalytic psychotherapy.
Northern Ireland Institute of Human Relations (NIIHR)
Address: 5 Crescent Gardens, Belfast BT7 1NS, UK
Email: David Smith (Chair):
Email: Rhoda Dorndorf (Hon Secretary):
Founded in 1942, the IPAA is the oldest psychotherapeutic body in Ireland. Its founder, Jonathan Hanaghan, was sent here in 1926 by Freud’s friend and biographer, Ernest Jones: “It will take a Celt to start up psychoanalysis in Ireland.”
Although many elements of human nature seem universal in humanity, most psychotherapists, anthropologists, and sociologists would agree that there is a lot in each individual which is specific to the particular culture in which the person grew up. The traditions of the Irish Psycho-Analytical Association reflect three-quarters of a century of intensive psychotherapeutic work in Ireland, with Irish people.
Although strongly Freudian in its beginnings, springing as it did from Freud’s inner circle in the U.K., the Association and its members have taken in the major advances in psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic psychotherapy throughout the seven and a half decades of its existence.
It is also characteristic of the Association that its theoretical formulations have taken into account the transcendent dimension of life, producing approaches which are compatible with most religious outlooks. Yet it would be incorrect to say that the Association adheres to this or that school of psychoanalysis: “I am a committed eclectic” was the characteristic statement of Association Training Officer, psychoanalyst, and author Rob Weatherill; it seems certain that most Association practitioners would have a similar outlook.
Irish Psycho-Analytical Association (IPAA)
President: Fergal Brady
Address: 27 Seatown Place, Dundalk, Co. Louth
Tel:042 933 1803 / 086 811 9473
Group Analysis, or Group Analytic Psychotherapy, was developed in England in the 1940s by Dr S.H. Foulkes, a psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, while working with soldiers from the Second World War. It is derived from psychoanalysis, as well as systems theory, developmental and social psychology, and sociology.
At the heart of Group Analysis is the belief that human beings are fundamentally social in nature, living their lives with other people in family, friendship and other social groupings. The sources of many problems encountered by individuals can be found in their relationship with the groups they grew up in, as well as the groups of which they are now a part. Foulkes believed that on this basis, people’s problems and difficulties are best explored, understood and addressed in a group context.
Group Analysis is now well established in most European countries, and is the main form of group therapy in the mental health services in a number of these countries, including Denmark, Norway, Portugal and the UK.
Who might benefit from group analytic psychotherapy?
Group Analytic Psychotherapy is a useful and productive way of addressing personal difficulties. It has supportive, problem-solving and psycho-educational functions, with the overall aim of achieving lasting personal change through a non-directive free-associative therapy.
As a form of psychotherapy which emphasises the essentially social nature of human experience, Group Analytic Psychotherapy is a valuable therapy for people with a wide range of difficulties, and can be helpful for:
How do I go about joining a group?
All those interested in group therapy are first met with, on an individual basis, by the group conductor over a number of sessions. This provides an opportunity for assessment of the individual’s suitability for this form of therapy, as well as providing a period of preparation for joining. As the process of developing insightful change is slow, people are encouraged to commit to a minimum period of one year in group, although in practice most stay longer.
How does Group Analytic Psychotherapy work?
Some of the benefits of Group Analytic Psychotherapy
Applications of Group Analysis
Group Analysis has many therapeutic applications in the health sector. Group Analysts provide, support, train and facilitate the delivery of therapeutic support groups to adults and adolescents in a range of services including addiction, disability, mental health, and child & family services. In addition, groups are provided for carers in these services.
The principles of Group Analysis are also widely applicable in non-clinical fields, including the education and community sectors. Having an understanding of how groups work, what gets in the way of groups working well, how and why people operate in groups, what roles they take on, as well as the ability to identify and work with group dynamics, are essential tools for people working with a range of work tasks.
Services offered by Group Analysts include:
Irish Group Analytic Society (IGAS)
Administrator: Nicola Williams
Address: IGAS Global House, 29 Lower Abbey Street, Dublin 1
The IFPP is one of the accrediting bodies in this country for psychoanalytic practitioners working with adults, and is one of the six members of the Psychoanalytic Section of the Irish Council for Psychotherapy. Membership is in line with the European Association of Psychotherapy standards; it is restricted to those with an appropriate formal training in psychoanalysis, psychoanalytic psychotherapy or analytical psychology.
All full members of the IFPP should be eligible to receive the European Certificate of Psychotherapy which is awarded by the European Association of Psychotherapy.
Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy is a process which takes place in a relationship between psychotherapist and client who work together to explore the client’s distress and difficulties. The psychoanalytic approach is based on the understanding that memories and feelings that were too painful or disturbing for the person to bear were repressed in the unconscious where they continued to exert a powerful, but hidden, influence on the individual’s life. We may become aware of this phenomenon in our lives when, to our dismay, we discover that we have been repeating over and over again, patterns of relationships or life choices that we belatedly recognize were destined to bring us pain from the outset.
The psychoanalytic process opens up an ongoing revelation of our hidden selves. In practice, it takes the form of the client talking, encouraged by the psychotherapist to say whatever comes to mind. The therapist listens with great care to what is being said. As the therapy proceeds, this experience of freedom to speak leads to increased spontaneity and ease in the client who becomes more able to acknowledge and express feelings and thoughts that had been deeply buried and link these to current experiences.
Activities of the IFPP:
Regular clinical meetings and seminars are given by members. Speakers from home and abroad are also invited. Meetings of more general interest are held and are open to the public. The IFPP publishes a journal with articles of theoretical and clinical interest in psychotherapy which offers an opportunity for discussion and the exchange of views between people of different trainings and background.
Fully registered members of the IFPP offer psychoanalytic psychotherapy to:
Contact us for more details about:
Irish Forum for Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy (IFPP)
Administrator: Chiara Triffiletti / Sarah Ryan
Address: “Westminster”, 36 Glendale Drive, Bray, Wicklow A98 KN24
Analytical or Jungian psychology is based on the ideas of Carl Gustav Jung, (1875-1961). Son of a Swiss pastor, Jung, a psychiatrist, became a disciple of Freud in 1906. After an initial close working relationship, (during which Jung was elected President of the International Psychoanalytic Association), the friendship ended acrimoniously in 1913 when Jung developed several ideas which departed from Freud’s views. While there is some overlap in areas of common interest, – the concept of the Unconscious, the complexes, and much of the early developmental approach -, Jung’s emphasis was different.
For example Jung saw the unconscious as complementary to and communicating with consciousness, rather than solely a repository of repressed experience. Equally he was less interested in the causes of neurosis than in its meaning and significance within the framework of the personality. These ideas led to his outlining a model of Personality Types (where Jung introduced the terms Introvert and Extrovert), which accounted for the variety of attitudes found within the range of ‘normal’ personality. His interest in the transformation of the personality and his belief in the in-built tendency of the psyche to strive towards wholeness, (something Jung felt emerged more in the second half of life), led to his developing the concept of Individuation.
As well as the Personal Unconscious, another area which interested Jung was that of the Collective Unconscious, which he regarded as the repository of people’s psychic heritage and possibilities. These ideas led him to a life-long study of the images and symbols found in humanity’s myths and religious beliefs.
A comparative study of these led Jung to the theory of Archetypes, innate images that operate as transformers of psychic energy which has its source in the instincts. Seeking for the historical roots of his Analytical Psychology, in the final decades of his life Jung was led to the study of Alchemical texts.
Such theoretical researches went hand in hand with a busy analytical practice, which led Jung and his followers to several innovations in psychotherapy – from new approaches to Dream Interpretation, and the use of Active Imagination, to the current use of Sand-Play therapy and the dramatic enactment of Fairytales.
Jungian Psychology in the Irish Context
The Irish Analytical Psychology Association was founded in 1996 to represent and promote the understanding and development of Analytical Psychology in Ireland. Two years later the I.A.P.A. became affiliated with the International Association of Analytical Psychology (I.A.A.P.), Zurich, where its status is that of a Developing Group. It is hoped that when there is a sufficient number of Analysts the I.A.P.A. will become a fully accredited training institute.
In 2000 the association became a member of the Irish Council for Psychotherapy, as representing Analytical Psychology professionally in Ireland, under the umbrella of the Psychoanalytic Section.
The I.A.P.A. has two categories within the list of Full Members whom it recognises as competent to practise in their profession: I.A.A.P. Analyst Members and Analytical Psychotherapist Members.
Contact Address:
Irish Analytical Psychology Association (IAPA)
Contact: Jean Fitzgerald
Address: Mount Ambrose, St. Margaret’s, Swords, Dublin
Tel: 087 249 2625
This therapy aims at helping children and adolescents learn a greater degree of self-understanding in the setting of a secure therapeutic relationship. Children are helped to learn, not only self awareness, but also how their pattern of relationships has been formed and how this may influence present experiences.
Children in therapy are also afforded the opportunity to experience a new type of relationship in a safe, therapeutic setting. Such therapy can happen through a mixture of talk, play and activity.
Irish Forum for Child & Adolescent Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy (IFCAPP)
Administrator: Lizzie O’Keeffe
Each organisation of the ICP must have published a Complaints Procedure. The purpose of a Complaints Procedure is to ensure that practitioners and their clients have clear information about the procedures and process involved in dealing with complaints.
All psychotherapists on the ICP Register are required to adhere to the Complaints Procedure of their own organisation.
MAKING A COMPLAINT: A client wishing to complain shall be advised to contact the Member Organisation.
RECEIVING A COMPLAINT: A Member Organisation receiving a complaint against one of its psychotherapists, shall ensure that the therapist is informed immediately and that both complainant and therapist are aware of the Complaints Procedure.
APPEALS: After the completion of the Complaints Procedure within an organisation, provision must be made for an appeal, stating time limits, grounds and procedures.
REPORTS TO THE ICP REGISTRATION BOARD: Organisations are required to report without delay to the ICP Registration Board, the names of members who have been suspended or expelled.
COMPLAINTS UPHELD IN ANOTHER ORGANISATION: Psychotherapists are required to inform, without delay, each Organisation of which they are a member, if any complaint is upheld against them in another Member Organisation.
CONDUCT OF COLLEAGUES: Psychotherapists concerned that a colleague’s conduct may be unprofessional, should initiate the Complaints Procedure of the relevant Member Organisation.
RESIGNATION: The resignation of a member of an Organisation shall not be allowed to impede the process of any investigation as long as the alleged offence took place during that person’s membership.
Irish Council for Psychotherapy
Fitzwilliam Hall
Fitzwilliam Place
Dublin 2 D02 T292
Tel: 01 9058698