Foucault’s Error on Pleasure

Foucault’s Error on Pleasure

A seminar by Fabian Fajnwaks

Date: Friday October 18 2024

Time: 7pm – 8:30pm

Location: TCD Arts Building, College Green Dublin

Cost: €20 – €50

Tickets via Eventbrite

By ICLO Society of the NLS

Refund Policy

No Refunds

About This Event

A seminar by Fabian Fajnwaks


This seminar will focus on Foucault’s developments concerning norms in times of the decline of the Law ( the Symbolic order) and the Lacanian clinical approach to norms, which is entirely subversive. This seminar is open to all and aimed at anyone with an interest in psychoanalysis.

Fabian Fajnwaks, is a psychoanalyst in Paris, member of the Ecole de la cause freudienne (ECF), the Escuela de la Orientacion lacaniana (EOLand the World Association of Psychoanalysis (WAP). He was Analyst of the School (A.S.) during the period 2016-19. Fabian is senior lecturer at the Department of Psychoanalysis of the University of Paris VIII and the author of numerous publications, including the books Subversion lacanienne des théories du genre (2015) and Despatologizar o sujeito trans e outros ensaios lacanianos (2023).

Venue: Arts Building, Trinity College Dublin, TRISS Seminar Room—6th Floor, C6.002 (map)

Fee: 30 / Students 20

Bundle available for both Seminars: €50 / Students 30


#IrelandEvents #DublinCityEvents #ThingstodoinDublin #DublinSeminars #DublinOtherSeminars #dublin #psychoanalysis #freud #philosophy #foucault #lacan #norms #lacanian

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Feeling Soundscapes – Saturday 9 November 2024

Feeling Soundscapes – Saturday 9 November 2024

Date: Saturday November 9 2024

Time: 10am – 2pm

Venue: The Metropolitan Arts Centre (MAC), 10 Exchange Street West, Belfast BT1 2NJ

Registration: Places are free but limited so early registration is advised.


About the Event

An experiential event to help us to reflect on how we feel about the sounds of daily life, drawing on the working knowledge of therapists, sound artists, and musicians. This event includes a sound bath delivered by Tessa Ann.

Feeling Soundscapes – Saturday 9 November 2024 – Event Brochure

Please note:  Participants are requested to register only if they are available to attend the whole event, as places are limited, and this event makes use of a group experience.

Event Registration

To register your interest in attending this event, please contact Noreen Giffney: and send the following details:

  • Why you are interested in attending this event.
  • What you hope to come away with afterwards.

*Registration is free. *Places are limited.

APPI Annual Congress 2024 – In-Person and Hybrid

APPI Annual Congress 2024 – In-Person and Hybrid

Date: Saturday November 23 2024

Time: 9am – 5pm

Location: Online & In-Person – Royal Marine Hotel, Marine Road, Dún Laoghaire, Dublin A96 K063

Cost: From €43.87

Tickets via Eventbrite


#IrelandEvents #DublinCityEvents #ThingstodoinDublin #DublinConferences #DublinHealthConferences #professional_development #in_person #physical_therapy #hybrid_event #appi_annual_congress_2024

Refund Policy

No Refunds

About This Event

(This is an In-Person and a Hybrid event – Zoom link will be send to ticket holders the day before the Congress)

“But the important point is that this form (ideal-I) situates the agency known as the ego, prior to its social determination, in a fictional direction that will forever remain irreducible for any single individual or, rather, that will only asymptotically approach the subject’s becoming, no matter how successful the dialectical synthesis by which we must resolve, as I, his discordance with his own reality.” Lacan, the Mirror Stage as Formative of the “I” Function, Ecrits, p 76

In Totem and Taboo (1913) and later in Civilizations and Its Discontents (1930), Freud considers the family as the oldest social group. The larger society (or civilization) is seen as a later development. Even as, historically, the individual becomes increasingly implicated in society, social organization and civilization retained their “otherness”. Freud believed that since civilization is largely responsible for man’s misery, every individual is its enemy “civilization and psychopathology are one”, culture for Freud has an “other-ness” rather than an “I-ness” or a “me-ness.”

Nowadays you cannot escape the interconnectedness that modern society imposes on the subject. All is in the algorithm, your purchases, your job application, your gender declaration, your likes and dislikes, your food, your images…and many other ways it captures subjectivity and enjoyment. You are constantly being fed on what you feed it. The constant illusion that the subject can find happiness and completeness confronts the very basis of Freud’s argument of the antagonism between the demands of instinct and the restrictions of civilization. Where all is permitted, where to find no-thing? If you ask Google to describe how algorithms work it will tell you that “all social algorithms use signals to indicate how much a user enjoys specific content. For example, if you comment, share, or like a piece of content, the algorithm will understand it and try to provide similar content.” This circularity and surplus enjoyment brings us to Lacan’s formulation of intersubjective communication, “the sender, as I tell you, receives from the receiver his own message in an inverted form.”

7 CPD points will be awarded


#IrelandEvents #DublinCityEvents #ThingstodoinDublin #DublinConferences #DublinHealthConferences #professional_development #in_person #physical_therapy #hybrid_event #appi_annual_congress_2024

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Workshop 2. The Nexus Power of Love

Workshop 2. The Nexus Power of Love / Love of Power

Workshop 2. The Nexus Power of Love / Love Of Power

Date: Saturday October 12 2024

Time: 10am – 1pm

Location: Online

Cost: €25 – €45

Tickets via Eventbrite


Refund Policy

No Refunds

About This Event

(Zoom link will be sent to all ticket holders the day before the workshop)

In the transition from focusing on the individual to groups in his work Group Psychology (1921) Freud becomes aware of the “contrast between social and narcissistic” levels of being, he states, “in the individual’s mental life someone else is invariably involved, as model, as object, as a helper or an opponent” and “the psychology of groups is the oldest human psychology”. Psychoanalysis is now faced with the theme of the construction of identity manifest in multiple and interactive online identities, focused on the predominance of the “image” over the “word”, which can give rise to “irrational aggressiveness” and destructive acts. The work required is to emphasise the group contexts which can determine how conscious and unconscious group processes can inform the construction of an “ethics” pertaining to the global “rule of the electronic which characterises our civilization”. This workshop will be comprised of five presentations by scholars in the field of group work.

3 CPD points will be awarded for attending this workshop


This is a clinical event in which clinical material may be discussed. Attendees asking questions and offering comments during the event must respect the confidentiality of clients by avoiding all identifying details. We expect all attendees to privilege any clinical material shared during the event, and to forebear from sharing it outside the event.


The talk will not be recorded. No recording is permitted.


#OnlineEvents #ThingsToDoOnline #OnlineSeminars #OnlineHealthSeminars #workshop #power_of_love #event_title#nexus_power #love_of_power

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The Non-Rapport, The Psychoanalyst in the Institution Workshop 1

The Non-Rapport, The Psychoanalyst in the Institution Workshop 1

Date: Saturday September 28 2024

Time: 3:30pm – 6:30pm

Location: 18 Fitzwilliam Street Upper Dublin 2 D02 XA30

Cost: €25 – €45

Tickets via Eventbrite


#IrelandEvents #DublinCityEvents #ThingstodoinDublin #DublinClasses #DublinHealthClasses #workshop #event #institution #psychoanalyst #nonrapport

Hybrid / In-person workshop – discussions with scholars, clinicians, students and new graduates on the place of the psychoanalysts’ knowledge.

About This Event

Please note that this event is a hybrid and in-person event. There is a limited number of tickets available to attend in-person. Allocation is decided on a first come first served basis. In person ticket allows for participation in the launch of the APPI’s Rebus magazine.

(Zoom link will be sent to all ticket holders the day before the workshop for those who are not attending in person)

This workshop is aimed at discussions with scholars, clinicians, students and new graduates, on the place of the psychoanalysts’ knowledge in institutions. What about the analyst’s discourse and its presence within institutions such as the government, accreditation bodies such as APPI/ICP, hospitals, universities and multidisciplinary teams? Lacan in his preface to the English edition of Seminar XI says that “For no one can call anyone an analyst and Freud did not do so. Handing out rings to initiates is not to call by a name. Hence my proposition that the analyst historizes only from himself: a patent fact. Even if he is confirmed in doing so by a hierarchy.”


Dr. Olga Cox Cameron’s first career was in literary studies, having written an M.A. thesis on Proust, worked as a tutor in the Department of French at University College, Dublin, and started – but not completed – a Ph. D. on Beckett at the University of Fribourg in Switzerland. Following a decade of working with homeless people in Dublin she trained as a psychoanalyst at St. Vincent’s University Hospital, completed a Ph. D on narrative (im)possibilities in psychosis, and has been in private practice for the past thirty six years. She lectured in Psychoanalytic Theory and also in Psychoanalysis and Literature at St. Vincent’s University Hospital and Trinity College from 1991 to 2013 and has published numerous articles on these topics in national and international journals. She is the founder of the annual Irish Psychoanalysis and Cinema Festival, now in its 15th year and in 2021 published Dream, Symptom and the Collapse of Subjectivity: Studying Lacan’s Seminar VI.

Samuel McCormick, Ph.D. is the host of Lectures on Lacan, a newsletter, podcast, and lecture series dedicated to clear, coherent, and accessible readings of key texts in Lacanian psychoanalysis. He is also Professor of Communication Studies at San Francisco State University, and was recently appointed EURIAS & Marie-Curie Research Fellow at Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies in Denmark. His first book, Letters to Power: Public Advocacy Without Public Intellectuals, won the Franklyn S. Haiman Award for Distinguished Scholarship in Freedom of Expression, the James A. Winans – Herbert A. Wichelns Memorial Award for Distinguished Scholarship in Rhetoric and Public Address, and the Everett Lee Hunt Award. His second book, The Chattering Mind: A Conceptual History of Everyday Talk, was recently published by the University of Chicago Press, with an Italian translation to be published later this year.

Miles Link is a psychoanalyst practicing in Dublin. He is a graduate of the M.Sc. in psychoanalysis and the SMT programme in The School of Psychotherapy in St Vincent’s. He is a member of ICLO-NLS. He has taught on literature and on psychoanalysis in Ireland and in Shanghai. His publications have appeared in Lacunae, the International Journal for Lacanian Psychoanalysis, on the NLS Congress blog, and elsewhere online and in print. Miles is originally from Philadelphia.

Natalia Alves is a Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist working in Dublin. Originally from Portugal Natalia began her career as a teacher and then moved into the arts industry where she was a theatre executive producer. Once relocated to Ireland Natalia completed the Hdip in Psychotherapy studies SVUH, the MA in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy in Dublin Business School and the SMT in Psychoanalysis from SVUH. Natalia works in the North Clondalkin Probation Project – The Tower programme and in the Student Counselling Service in Trinity College Dublin.

3 CPD points will be awarded for attendance at this workshop.


This is a clinical event in which clinical material may be discussed. Attendees asking questions and offering comments during the event must respect the confidentiality of clients by avoiding all identifying details. We expect all attendees to privilege any clinical material shared during the event, and to forebear from sharing it outside the event.


The talk will not be recorded. No recording is permitted.


Specialised Training Course for Therapists (One in Four)

Specialised Training Course for Therapists: Certificate in Working Therapeutically with Sexual Abuse and Complex Trauma

At One in Four, our vision is an Irish society where children are safe from the threat of sexual harm. For over two decades we have been a support, a refuge and a lifeline to thousands of women and men who have experienced childhood sexual abuse. Our nationally and internationally recognised professional and specialised counselling service is a testament to our commitment.  One in Four has an established reputation for delivering high-quality, tailored training in the field of sexual violence.

Therapists in private practice sometimes refer clients to us because they don’t feel confident addressing the complex impacts of CSA. Furthermore, research (RCNI, 2022) has found that therapists working with sexual abuse should have specialist training.

Are you a qualified psychotherapist or counselling psychologist interested in enhancing your skills and competency to work with complex trauma and the impacts of childhood sexual abuse?

We have developed a post qualification Certificate in Working Therapeutically with Sexual Abuse and Complex Trauma training course. The course has a clinical focus, is experimental and structured to develop reflective practice.

Two complimentary sessions of group supervision will be offered to participants after the course.

Course Modules

The following modules will support the learning outcomes, providing a comprehensive overview of complex trauma from a clinical perspective:

  • Working with Childhood Sexual Abuse: Including Complex Trauma, Shame, Resourcing and Psychoeducation
  • Therapeutic Modalities and their Approach to Trauma: Including Body Work, Integrative, Using Creativity, and Sexual Intimacy after Abuse
  • Systemic Context: Including Family Support, Group Work, Prevention/dynamics of offending behaviour, impact of pornography, and working with male survivors
  • Practitioner Focus: Including Self-Care and Effective use of Supervision 

Learning Outcomes

  • An operational understanding of complex trauma and its developmental impact including the psychological, emotional and physiological impacts of child sexual abuse
  • Ability to adapt therapeutic techniques to individual client needs in the moment
  • Navigate the complexities of transference and countertransference in the context of trauma and abuse
  • Reflect on personal values and biases to ensure ethical practice
  • Increased confidence in identifying, understanding and containing trauma dynamics
  • Implement strategies for self-care to protect against vicarious trauma and burnout

The Practicalities

  • When? The course will run monthly for 10 months on the fourth Saturday of each month beginning in January 2025 (first module on Saturday, 25th January 2025).
  • Where? One in Four, 35-36 Arran Quay, Smithfield, Dublin, D07 E221
  • Cost? €2,800 for the full ten training days to be booked before 19th December 2024.
  • Early bird booking rate €2,700 to be booked before 22nd November 2024
  • Fee payable in two instalments: January 2025 and May 2025
  • All of the proceeds from this course will be used to help fund the services that we provide. 

How to Apply?

  • Please complete an application form here.
  • In the event of the course being oversubscribed, a selection process will apply.
  • Eligibility for CPD points TBC.

Join us in acquiring the necessary skills to support individuals impacted by sexual abuse and complex trauma.



Divisions and Their Remainders – 14 September 2024

Divisions and Their Remainders

Date: Saturday September 14 2024

Time: 10am – 1:30pm

Location: Carmelite Community Centre, 56 Aungier Street, Dublin 2 D02 T258

Cost: Free & Open to All

Tickets via Eventbrite

By ICLO Society of the NLS

#IrelandEvents #DublinCityEvents #ThingstodoinDublin #DublinSeminars #DublinScience&Tech Seminars #celebration #event #opening #divisions #remainders

About the Event

  • ICLO-NLS Opening Event
  • Multidisciplinary conversation
  • Free and Open to all / coffee break included
  • In Person only.
  • Email:

Divisions and their Remainders

Argument – ICLO Opening Event 2024/25

Our title is “Divisions and their Remainders,” where the subject of the unconscious – that’s all of us – is constituted by fundamental division, founded on a Spaltung, whereby an identity of the subject is an impossibility. The remainder of this operation involves a centrifugal disquiet or disturbance which when localised ‘outside’ and attributed to the stranger, foreigner or migrant, gives rise to discrimination and indeed racism. On the other hand, there are identifications: the group, the ideal, the politics, the leader, the cause, the nation, etc., and in that we find bodies inhabited and captured by the very discourses we claim to master regarding local and geo-political social-operations -war-migration-famine-economics-homelessness-deprivation… in one word jouissance.

Psychoanalysis of the Lacanian orientation notes a second impossibility, not unrelated to the first one. That of a Weltanschauung, whereby a well ‘treated’ civilization would be without its discontents. Right now in Ireland, questions of migration, identitarian politics of the group, and matters of segregation and racism have come very much to the fore, once more, in discourse here. Satirists level the accusation that the political classes derive jouissance/ enjoyment from the objectification of migrants, – making of them a political football – as bodies arrive, undocumented, in flocks across these borders in increasing numbers. Headlines from 2002 are being reused… yet the political classes insist that their policies around so-called ‘illegal migration’ are robust and working,- blaming the migrants themselves as well as the neighbour for lack of border controls, all the while insisting that a ‘sinister fringe’ of alt right agitators are attempting to destabilise our democracy… (Albeit that the recent local election results do not bear this out, notwithstanding recent results in Europe generally.) Division it seems suits political ends…

Groupings of residents in various areas have formed; protesting and expressing their concerns that undocumented migrants are being (inappropriately) placed in temporary accommodation, hotels and tent-encampments in their area… And conversely there is a broad liberalism which seeks a push to inclusion, integration – some might contend assimilation, on the basis of an egalitarian social-cohesion, which would potentially round-out difference.

It seems there are some difficulties in settling on what form of liberty, fraternity and equality we ought to be desirous…If not a quasi-utopic Weltanschauung, then what can psychoanalysis propose? We ask this question in our title “Divisions and their Remainders”. Can the point of absolute difference (and this is not the same as diversity) that analytic discourse points to in the primary operation of the advent of the subject become recognised in finding a way to include the subject one by one? And not just in the sense of the ciphering of counting bodies, and statistics: documentation, asylum, deportation or integration – but to treat the remainder or surplus of the operation in a way that offers a reduction of that which is the excessive consequence of discourse itself.

Raphael Montague – Organising Committee

Guest Speakers

Keire Murphy is a Senior Policy Officer with the Irish National Contact Point of the European Migration Network, which is based in the Economic and Social Research Institute in Dublin. She has worked on topics ranging from migration decision-making, attitudes to migrants, and access to housing for refugees. Keire has a double Masters in Public Policy and Human Development, specialised in Migration Studies and an LLB in Law and French from Trinity College Dublin. She previously worked with the Global Community Engagement and Resilience Fund in Geneva, as well as NGOs in The Netherlands, France, and Lebanon focusing on refugee integration and research.

David O’Connor is an Adult Education Tutor teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) and ESOL Literacy at City of Dublin Education and Training Board, where he works with learners from various backgrounds, all of whom (so far) have been migrants born outside the Republic of Ireland, and many of whom are or have been in the asylum system. David has a Masters in American Literature from UCD and reviews books – mostly contemporary Irish fiction – and has published pieces online for The Dublin Review of Books and The Stinging Fly. David is interested in the parts of stories that people do not wish to hear.

Laura Tarafas is a Psychologist and Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist. She has international clinical experience in working with clients from diverse cultural background and completed a PhD in Cross-Cultural Clinical Psychology in France. She is currently working at SPIRASI, the Irish National Centre for Survivors of Torture, as well as in private practice in Dublin. Laura is originally from Hungary.

With ICLO members Sheila Power, Raphael Montague, Nefeli Paraskevi Papadaki, Claire Hawkes, Ros Mc Carthy, Florencia Shanahan

Eventbrite Tickets

What Am I Listening For – TSOP 1-Day Conference

‘What Am I Listening For?’

Date: Friday September 6 2024

Time: 9:30am – 6pm

Location: Education and Research Centre (ERC) in St. Vincent’s University Hospital (SVUH), Elm Park, Dublin 4 D04 T6F4

Cost: €120 (Student Rate €60)

Tickets via Eventbrite

By The School of Psychotherapy

#IrelandEvents #DublinCityEvents #ThingstodoinDublin #DublinConferences #DublinHealthConferences

The School of Psychotherapy at SVUH Asks ‘What Am I Listening For?’

A question for the practice positions of Psychoanalysis, Psychiatry, Psychology and Psychotherapy.

TSOP@40 Conference

 To mark 40 years of the work of The School of Psychotherapy at St. Vincent’s University Hospital we invite you to a one-day Conference on Friday 6th September 2024 9.30am – 6pm in the Education and Research Centre (ERC) at St. Vincent’s University Hospital, Elm Park, Dublin 4 D04 T6F4.

Conference will consist of 4 panel discussions with panellists from the fields of Psychoanalysis, Psychiatry, Psychology and Psychotherapy.

Lunchtime recital by Joseph Chester including excerpts from Fragments of Lucia.

Lunch & refreshments included – CPD Points available

Tickets: €120 (student rate €60)

Refund Policy

Refunds up to 2 days before event

ICP Pre-Budget 2025 Submission to Government & General Election Manifesto

ICP Pre-Budget 2025 Submission to Government

General Election Manifesto 

Dear Registrant,

The ICP has launched our Pre-Budget 2025 Submission to Government, and also our General Election Manifesto addressed to all political parties.

Both the Pre-Budget Submission and the General Election Manifesto includes a call for the inclusion of specific commitments by all parties in health / mental health, education and finance as follows:

(1) The Irish Council for Psychotherapy (ICP) calls on all political parties to include a commitment to implement the following recommendations in its Health and Mental Health Manifestos for the forthcoming general election:

The ICP calls on all political parties, at this critical time in the regulation of psychotherapy, to protect the high standards of training.  Psychotherapists are required to engage in extensive personal psychotherapy during their training which is up to seven years duration and involves a professional highly specialised, theoretical and clinical training which include research methodology and continuous professional development.

(2) The ICP calls on all political parties to include a commitment in its Education Manifesto to approve the use of state-aided school funding to avail of the services of psychotherapists in private practice according to each school’s unique context, culture and environment.

(3) The ICP calls on all political parties to include a commitment in its Finance Manifesto to amend the Value-Added Tax Consolidation Act 2010 to make psychotherapy services VAT exempt in line with services provided by other health and social care professions including those of psychologists.

Please click on the following link to see the full pre-budget submission to government: ICP Pre Budget Submission 2025  

Please click on the following link to see the full general election manifesto submission sent to Fianna Fáil, Fine Gael, Labour, Green, Sinn Féin and Social Democrats Parties: ICP General Election Manifesto 2024

We are strongly encouraging you to email your local TD, election candidate or Senator today, to make sure that the ICP issues are addressed in Budget 2025 and that each political party includes the ICP “Asks” in their respective election manifestos.

National advocacy is much more successful when backed up by local advocacy at constituency level. Please click on the following link to find contact details for your local TD or Senator: TDs & Senators

Each political party website should also list contact details for candidates selected for the forthcoming general election in your constituency.

Rúaidhrí O’Connor

Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

Irish Council for Psychotherapy (ICP)

Rúaidhrí O’Connor (CEO) & Belinda Moller (Chair) outside Leinster House

Return to Dora Again and Again

Return to Dora Again and Again

Date: Saturday May 18 2024

Time: 3pm – 4:30pm

Location: Online

Cost: €7.50 – €17.50

Tickets via Eventbrite

By the IFPP

About the Event

The IFPP are delighted to welcome Jamieson Webster for a seminar on the 18th May 2024 that asks: Why do we return to the case of Dora again and again? How can it be that after decades of work on Dora, so many advances in relation to the question of feminism and psychoanalysis, there is still more to learn from this case of a teenage girl at the turn of the century? Lacan turns to Freud’s A Fragment of an Analysis of a Case of Hysteria (1905) every time he re-elaborates aspects of his thinking. In fact, Lacan called himself an hysteric, walking about on stage speaking, performing, clowning around, not knowing what he was saying or where he was going. He placed his audience into the role of the analyst-listener:

Freud’s text on Dora…is even more astounding for the double face it presents. On the one hand there are the weaknesses and inadequacies that strike novices as the first items to be pointed up, but on the other hand there is the depth that is reached by everything Freud comes up against, revealing to what extent he was right there, turning around the very field we are trying to map out. (Lacan 1972-73, 108)

I think Dora will always be important for psychoanalysis, to reignite desire for listening to the conundrums of desire, to re-find our co-ordinates that we map and remap with every patient.

About the Event

This is an online event and Zoom login details will be sent to all ticket purchasers before the event. This event will be recorded and made available to all ticket holders to view for 30 days shortly after the event closes.

Jamieson Webster

Jamieson Webster is a psychoanalyst in private practice in New York City. She is the author, most recently, of Disorganization & Sex and Conversion Disorder: Listening to the Body in Psychoanalysis; she also co-wrote, with Simon Critchley, Stay, Illusion! The Hamlet Doctrine. She teaches at the New School for Social Research.

Ticket Prices

  • Early Bird Ticket (until 08/05/2024) €12.50
  • General Ticket (Full Price) €17.50
  • Student Early Bird Ticket (until 08/05/2024) €7.50
  • Student (Full Price) €12.50


#OnlineEvents #ThingsToDoOnline #OnlineSeminars #OnlineHealthSeminars #event #keywords #dora #return #again