Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction 8 Week Course

Mindfulness is a simple but profound practice that is rooted in ancient Eastern traditions.  Over the last 30 years Western medicine and science have come to recognise its benefits as a resource to help individuals deal with a variety of physical and emotional difficulties. These include stress, serious illness, chronic pain, bereavement, and other life challenges, while also offering a way of developing positive mental qualities and emotional wellbeing.

Only that day dawns to which we are awake”

– Walden, Thoreau


Mindfulness involves intentionally bringing awareness to the present moment, paying attention to, and connecting with our present experience, including our thoughts, feelings and bodily sensations with curiosity, openness and acceptance.

The Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) course is modelled on the internationally acclaimed programmes created by Jon Kabat-Zinn, founder of the Stress Reduction Clinic at the University of Massachusetts Medical Centre.  These evidence based programmes are now being used extensively in a variety of settings including community care, hospitals and hospice care, educational and corporate sectors.

The programme consists of 8 weekly classes of 2.5 hour duration and one full day of Mindfulness practice. To benefit fully from this course, participants are encouraged to commit to 45 minutes each day for home practice.


Saturday 6th April – 25 May 2013. (10.15a.m. – 12.45 p.m.)

Full day workshop:  Saturday 8th June   (11.00a.m. – 4.00 p.m.)


Monkstown Therapy Centre, 26, Longford Terrace, Monkstown, Co.Dublin. (2 mins from Salthill & Monkstown Dart Station)


The course fee is €320 and includes Course workbook and CDs.

(Concessions available to applicants who are unwaged or in receipt of

Social Welfare)


Eilis Cullen is a trained Mindfulness practitioner, currently undertaking a Masters in Mindfulness Based Approaches at the University of Wales, Bangor. Eilis is also an experienced accredited Psychotherapist in private practice.

Tel:                   086 8622012

Email:              eilis@nullmindfultherapy.ie

Website:         www.mindfultherapy.ie

Original post: IAHIP Classified Ad

The Three Pillars of Family Support

Mid-West Regional Workshop

Please find below details of the forthcoming event in the Mid- West Region facilitated by IAHIP members Larry de Cleir and Ray Wallace.

For full information and booking form please see following:

Workshop Three Pillars Info & Booking Form:

To book your place please print the information, complete and detach the booking form and return it with your payment to IAHIP, Workshop Group,  44 Northumberland Avenue, Dun Laoghaire, Co Dublin by Friday 15th March 2013

Original post: Irish Association of Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy

An Introduction To Relational Assessment & Creative Process In Adolescent Psychotherapy

Dates:  5th, 6th, 7th March

Fee: €340

Venue: Castlebar Counselling and Therapy Centre

Facilitator:Bronagh Starrs MIAHIP

This three-day training workshop will focus on two aspects of psychotherapeutic contact with adolescent clients:

We will explore how understanding and supporting the adolescent’s environmental context is a key aspect of therapy with teenagers. The training will focus  on cultivating the relational field i.e. engaging the adolescent and his/her parents – developing a consultative alliance with parents, supporting adolescent-parent relational connections, coaching parents in the art of strategic adolescent parenting, meeting the adolescent at the heart of his/her experience etc. This will include the micro-skills of how to conduct a relational assessment and intervene to manage shame in the encounter, and how to make initial contact with the adolescent.

The second focus of the training will involve supporting the development of the adolescent’s inner world through expressive arts and therapeutic devices e.g. art and sandwork with adolescent clients; using board games to create structure and holding; exploring the adolescent’s phenomenological experience through music, creative writing and other creative pursuits etc. This aspect of the training will also include an appreciation of the timing and appropriateness of introducing particular creative ways of working to support adolescent process – always being mindful of developmental considerations, levels of internal and external support, and the presence of psychological trauma.

For booking details please contact Bronagh: bronaghstarrs@nullgmail.com

Republished from : IAHIP Classified Ads

Next Southern Regional Meeting News:

To Members of South Region of IAHIP

Next Southern Regional Meeting News:

Date:                       Tuesday 29th January

Start Time:               8.00 p.m.

Venue:                     SMA Hall Wilton, Cork

Debbie Hegarty, from the Governing Body of IAHIP, has kindly agreed to present the IAHIP Five Year Plan at the Meeting.

There will also be an opportunity after the meeting, to “Walk your Wishes for 2013″ on a small cloth Labyrinth.  And if you really wish to be sociable afterwards, join us in the Wilton Bar!

Hoping to see you there,

Ann Irwin & Catherine Hickey

Original post: Irish Association of Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy

Midlands Regional Meeting Wednesday 12th December 2012

A Midlands regional meeting (Longford, Meath, Westmeath, Offaly, Laois & Tipperary) has been organised.

Date:Wednesday 12th December 2012

Time: 7pm – 9pm

Venue: Tir Na nOg, Slievanagorta, Ballymore, Co Westmeath

As part of IAHIP’s regional development, it is hoped that regional meetings will take place regularly in the various regions throughout the country. The Regional Officer, Bronagh Starrs, will do her best to be in attendance at most of these initial gatherings.

At these regional meetings, we will discuss such matters as co-creating a regional structure, developments within the organisational life of IAHIP, and the general experience of our membership within IAHIP. These meetings are designed to give members an influential voice and it is an opportunity to find out about what is happening within the organisation.

This meeting is being facilitated by Eileen Prendiville, IAHIP Chairperson.

Please find following a link for directions for the venue and map.

In case you need further help with directions, once en-route,  you can use the following number:  087 648 8149.  The Regional Meetings are open to all our members and we hope that you will be able to attend so that you can contribute to building a strong supportive structure, making connections, and planning events and activities to meet your needs as an IAHIP member and practicing psychotherapist.

Bronagh Starrs
Regional Development Officer

Original post: Irish Association of Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy

IAHIP – “Inside Out” Articles

There are several years of Inside Out articles now available for reading on the IAHIP website. Click here to see available issues.

2nd National Conference – 26th/27th January 2012

ICP Conference 2012

The Irish Council for Psychotherapy is delighted to announce its 2nd National Conference in its 21st year in existence.

This conference provides a unique opportunity to celebrate, showcase and exchange ideas on creative and contemporary practice.

The conference welcomes clinicians from a variety of health care settings and professional backgrounds who have an interest in contributing to the debate and discussion on psychotherapeutic practice in Ireland.

The conference seeks to engage all of its delegates and will provide a fertile ground to enhance knowledge and practice.

This conference will comprise keynote speakers who are renowned in the field of psychotherapy, and workshops, symposia, papers and poster presentations by practitioners involved in psychotherapy practice, research and training.

Call for Abstracts

We invite abstracts for papers, symposia, workshops and poster presentations on themes relevant to contemporary and creative psychotherapy practice.

All abstracts will be reviewed on the basis of their contribution to the   conference theme and their relevance to the field of psychotherapy.

Book of conference abstracts will be available on the ICP website.


Download Full ICP Announcement

Download ICP Guidelines

Download ICP Registration (online payment facilities available shortly)



Standards in Psychotherapy: Letter to the Irish Times

Irish Times, Saturday 27th October 2007.
Letters Page


In the light of Sylvia Thompsons article  Is Psychotherapy losing touch with reality? (Health Supplement October 23rd 2007), and of recent events being covered in the media, I would like to clarify issues around standards in psychotherapy in Ireland today.

Psychotherapy in Ireland is regulated by The Irish Council for Psychotherapy. We have currently over 1,050 psychotherapists on our register.

The purpose of the ICP is:

  • to promote and maintain the highest standards of training and professional conduct among psychotherapists
  • to develop psychotherapy as an independent profession
  • to represent the majority of psychotherapists in Ireland to the public, the media and the Government

ICP standards have been agreed by all the major psychotherapy organisations in Europe. The total duration of the training for psychotherapists accredited with ICP is 3,200 hours spread over a minimum of seven years.

The Code of Ethics of the ICP obliges therapist to uphold a high standard of professional competence and personal conduct in their practice with their clients. We also have a complaints and disciplinary procedure.
We are seeking to have our profession statutorily regulated and are currently working with other mainstream psychotherapy organisations on proposals in this regard for submission to the Minister for Health & Children.
Further information available at: www.psychotherapycouncil.ie
Yours sincerely,

Chairperson: Irish Council for Psychotherapy
Quinns Road, Shankill, Co. Dublin.

Useful Links

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