
Family Constellations Training 2019

Family Constellations Training 2019

Core Concepts of Family Constellations

This Foundation Training in Family Constellations aims to up-skill those already working with families and individuals in a professional capacity. It will also help those who wish to understand better the hidden dynamics of their own family system.

Trauma and traumatic events in our own lifetime can have an enduring negative effect on our lives. It is also increasingly clear from research in neurobiology, epigenetics, somatic experiencing and psychotherapy that trauma is often carried from one generation to the next. Family Constellations work explores new ways of dealing with profound difficulties in the personal or family story. Constellation work gives us a different lens and new tools that can help clients leave traumatic experiences in the past – where they belong. It helps them let go of unwanted burdens as they move towards a more hopeful future.

This twelve-day training (80 hours CPD) offers a Certificate of Continuing Professional Development from Family Constellations Ireland Limited. We are currently accepting applications for Training in both Cork and Dublin in 2019.

The training involves a combination of inputs, interactive sessions and experiential work as well as individual constellations. Some recommended and required reading will be included. We will cover topics including

The Orders of Love

The Family as a System

Belonging and Conscience

One-to-One Settings


Theory & Practice of Constellations

Exploring Specific Issues

Dealing with Trauma

Personal Growth and Self-Care

The Phenomenological Stance

Full details and application forms are on our website here

Spring Workshops

We also offer weekend workshops. Spring 2019 dates are as follows:

January 26-27 – Mardyke House, Cork

February 9-10 – Glasthule, Dublin

March 9-10 – Mardyke House, Cork

April 27-28 – Glasthule, Dublin

These workshops, run over two days, can offer participants new insights into their family life. Working together client and therapist try to see if there is more to the family story than meets the eye. …read more

Original post: IAHIP Classified Ads related to CPD

Last week to book your place for Volunteer Induction Day for IAHIP members and Pre Accreds

Saturday September 16th

9.30am – 4.00pm

email to book your place

IAHIP needs your support and help to meet the increasing demands from our services.

Following on from discussions during our Consultative Forum in November 2016 and during the Friday evening Kaisan before our AGM in March 2017, we have decided to hold an Induction Day for new IAHIP volunteers. It is an opportunity to be initiated into the organisation.

We invite you to attend our first Induction Day which will be held in the IAHIP Offices Northumberland Avenue, Dun Laoghaire
on the 16th September 2017.

The daily tasks of IAHIP are carried out by an administration team, without whom we could safely say there would be no IAHIP! The other workings of the organisation are carried out by teams of volunteers who work on the various committees. In total there are 12 committees, with additional sub committees being set up on an ad hock basis from time to time as the needs dictate. Currently there are c 80 volunteers giving of their time to ensure the smooth running of our wonderful organisation.

The Twelve committees are:
Governing Body
Accreditation & Re-Accreditation Appeals
Supervision and Supervisor Accreditation
TSAC (Training Standards)
Inside Out
Regional Development Officer and Regional teams
PTCRC (Psychotherapy Training Course Recognition)
Finance Working Group.

We can promise you an interesting day where you will learn about the history of IAHIP and hear from one committee member from each of the twelve committees. A light lunch will be provided for participants. 6 CPD points will be awarded for attendance.

Please think about attending the Induction Day even if you are not able to volunteer on any of the committees in the immediate future. We look forward to your support at any time in the future.

Carmel Byrne, Kay Noonan, & Karen Shorten
IAHIP Induction Day Committee

The date for this Induction Day is: Saturday 16th …read more

Original post: IAHIP Classified Ads related to CPD

Have you booked your place for Volunteer Induction Day for IAHIP members and Pre Accreds

Saturday September 16th

9.30am – 4.00pm

click here to book place (Free)

IAHIP needs your support and help to meet the increasing demands from our services.

Following on from discussions during our Consultative Forum in November 2016 and during the Friday evening Kaisan before our AGM in March 2017, we have decided to hold an Induction Day for new IAHIP volunteers. It is an opportunity to be initiated into the organisation.

We invite you to attend our first Induction Day which will be held in the IAHIP Offices Northumberland Avenue, Dun Laoghaire
on the 16th September 2017.

The daily tasks of IAHIP are carried out by an administration team, without whom we could safely say there would be no IAHIP! The other workings of the organisation are carried out by teams of volunteers who work on the various committees. In total there are 12 committees, with additional sub committees being set up on an ad hock basis from time to time as the needs dictate. Currently there are c 80 volunteers giving of their time to ensure the smooth running of our wonderful organisation.

The Twelve committees are:
Governing Body
Accreditation & Re-Accreditation Appeals
Supervision and Supervisor Accreditation
TSAC (Training Standards)
Inside Out
Regional Development Officer and Regional teams
PTCRC (Psychotherapy Training Course Recognition)
Finance Working Group.

We can promise you an interesting day where you will learn about the history of IAHIP and hear from one committee member from each of the twelve committees. A light lunch will be provided for participants. 6 CPD points will be awarded for attendance.

Please think about attending the Induction Day even if you are not able to volunteer on any of the committees in the immediate future. We look forward to your support at any time in the future.

Carmel Byrne, Kay Noonan, & Karen Shorten
IAHIP Induction Day Committee

The date for this Induction Day is: …read more

Original post: IAHIP Classified Ads related to CPD

Exploring the Dynamics of Attachment in Adult Life™

This is a course over 2 weekends for professionals offering an opportunity to explore their own experience of attachment dynamics in the context of a confidential closed experiential group. The work will be supported by didactic input and time for reflection, application and analysis.

Facilitator: Tessa Normand MIAHIP, ICP

Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapist and Supervisor

Each Course runs over 2 Weekends ( CPD 28 hrs )


Course 1 Sat 9th /Sun 10th & Sat 23rd / Sun 24th Sept 2017


Course 2 Sat 4th / Sun 5th & Sat 18th / Sun 19th Nov 2017

10.00am – 5.30pm

Venue: 11, Herbert Place, Dublin 2

This course seeks to address the fact that our work requires us to respond to the needs of others and too often we don’t create the conditions to support our own personal and psychological development.

Experiences of care-seeking and caregiving have their roots in infancy and shape our expectations and responses to care-seeking and caregiving in adult life.

As professionals offering a service in the field of mental health we will be aware of the many different ways that people express their care-seeking needs, and how difficult it is sometimes to interpret these accurately and respond. People who have had contradictory experiences of caregiving will often tend to miscue professional caregivers so that any attempt at caregiving can be frustrated.

Participants will be introduced to the Theory of Attached Based Exploratory Interest Sharing (TABEIS)

as developed by Dorothy Heard and Brain Lake and also to the practice of Exploratory Goal Corrected Psychotherapy (EGCP) developed by Una McCluskey.

The dynamics of attachment consist of several goal-corrected systems. These are care-seeking, care-giving, sexuality, exploratory interest sharing with peers, the personal system for self- defence, the internal supportive or unsupportive environments and the personally created external supportive environment. The theory suggests that these …read more

Original post: IAHIP Classified Ads related to CPD

Exploring the Dynamics of Attachment in Adult Life™

This is a course over 2 weekends for professionals offering an opportunity to explore their own experience of attachment dynamics in the context of a confidential closed experiential group. The work will be supported by didactic input and time for reflection, application and analysis.

Facilitator: Tessa Normand MIAHIP, ICP

Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapist and Supervisor

Each Course runs over 2 Weekends ( CPD 28 hrs )


Course 1 Sat 9th /Sun 10th & Sat 23rd / Sun 24th Sept 2017


Course 2 Sat 4th / Sun 5th & Sat 18th / Sun 19th Nov 2017

10.00am – 5.30pm

Venue: 11, Herbert Place, Dublin 2

This course seeks to address the fact that our work requires us to respond to the needs of others and too often we don’t create the conditions to support our own personal and psychological development.

Experiences of care-seeking and caregiving have their roots in infancy and shape our expectations and responses to care-seeking and caregiving in adult life.

As professionals offering a service in the field of mental health we will be aware of the many different ways that people express their care-seeking needs, and how difficult it is sometimes to interpret these accurately and respond. People who have had contradictory experiences of caregiving will often tend to miscue professional caregivers so that any attempt at caregiving can be frustrated.

Participants will be introduced to the Theory of Attached Based Exploratory Interest Sharing (TABEIS)

as developed by Dorothy Heard and Brain Lake and also to the practice of Exploratory Goal Corrected Psychotherapy (EGCP) developed by Una McCluskey.

The dynamics of attachment consist of several goal-corrected systems. These are care-seeking, care-giving, sexuality, exploratory interest sharing with peers, the personal system for self- defence, the internal supportive or unsupportive environments and the personally created external supportive environment. The theory suggests that these …read more

Original post: IAHIP Classified Ads related to CPD

Induction Day for IAHIP members who wish to volunteer on any of the twelve IAHIP sub committees.

IAHIP needs your support and help to meet the increasing demands from our services.

Following on from discussions during our Consultative Forum in November 2016 and during the Friday evening Kaisan before our AGM in March 2017, we have decided to hold an Induction Day for new IAHIP volunteers. It is an opportunity to be initiated into the organisation.

We invite you to attend our first Induction Day which will be held in the IAHIP Offices Northumberland Avenue, Dun Laoghaire on the 16th September 2017.

The daily tasks of IAHIP are carried out by an administration team, without whom we could safely say there would be no IAHIP! The other workings of the organisation are carried out by teams of volunteers who work on the various committees. In total there are 12 committees, with additional sub committees being set up on an ad hock basis from time to time as the needs dictate. Currently there are c 80 volunteers giving of their time to ensure the smooth running of our wonderful organisation.

The twelve committees are:

Governing Body




Accreditation & Re-Accreditation Appeals

Supervision and Supervisor Accreditation

TSAC (Training Standards)

Inside Out

Regional Development Officer and Regional teams


PTCRC (Psychotherapy Training Course Recognition)

Finance Working Group.

We can promise you an interesting day where you will learn about the history of IAHIP and hear from one committee member from each of the twelve committees. A light lunch will be provided for participants. 6 CPD points will be awarded for attendance.

Please think about attending the Induction Day even if you are not able to volunteer on any of the committees in the immediate future. We look forward to your support at any time in the future.

Carmel Byrne, Kay Noonan, & Karen Shorten

IAHIP Induction Day Committee


The date for this Induction Day is: Saturday 16th September.

Time: …read more

Original post: IAHIP Classified Ads related to CPD

Exploring the Dynamics of Attachment in Adult Life™

This is a course over 2 weekends for professionals offering an opportunity to explore their own experience of attachment dynamics in the context of a confidential closed experiential group. The work will be supported by didactic input and time for reflection, application and analysis.

Facilitator: Tessa Normand MIAHIP, ICP

Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapist and Supervisor

Each Course runs over 2 Weekends ( CPD 28 hrs )


Course 1 Sat 9th / Sun 10th & Sat 23rd / Sun 24th Sept 2017


Course 2 Sat 4th / Sun 5th & Sat 18th / Sun 19th Nov 2017

10.00am – 5.30pm

Venue: 11, Herbert Place, Dublin 2

This course seeks to address the fact that our work requires us to respond to the needs of others and too often we don’t create the conditions to support our own personal and psychological development.

Experiences of care-seeking and caregiving have their roots in infancy and shape our expectations and responses to care-seeking and caregiving in adult life.

As professionals offering a service in the field of mental health we will be aware of the many different ways that people express their care-seeking needs, and how difficult it is sometimes to interpret these accurately and respond. People who have had contradictory experiences of caregiving will often tend to miscue professional caregivers so that any attempt at caregiving is frustrated and can end up as a frustrating experience for both parties.

Participants will be introduced to the Theory of Attached Based Exploratory Interest Sharing (TABEIS)

as developed by Dorothy Heard and Brain Lake and also to the practice of Exploratory Goal Corrected Psychotherapy (EGCP) developed by Una McCluskey.

The dynamics of attachment consist of several goal-corrected systems. These are care-seeking, care-giving, sexuality, exploratory interest sharing with peers, the personal system for self- defence, the internal supportive or unsupportive environments and the personally …read more

Original post: IAHIP Classified Ads related to CPD

Exploring the Dynamics of Attachment in Adult Life™

This is a course over 2 weekends for professionals offering an opportunity to explore their own experience of attachment dynamics in the context of a confidential closed experiential group. The work will be supported by didactic input and time for reflection, application and analysis.

Facilitator: Tessa Normand MIAHIP, ICP

Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapist and Supervisor

Each Course runs over 2 Weekends ( CPD 28 hrs )


Course 1 Sat 9th / Sun 10th & Sat 23rd / Sun 24th Sept 2017


Course 2 Sat 4th / Sun 5th & Sat 18th / Sun 19th Nov 2017

10.00am – 5.30pm

Venue: 11, Herbert Place, Dublin 2

This course seeks to address the fact that our work requires us to respond to the needs of others and too often we don’t create the conditions to support our own personal and psychological development.

Experiences of care-seeking and caregiving have their roots in infancy and shape our expectations and responses to care-seeking and caregiving in adult life.

As professionals offering a service in the field of mental health we will be aware of the many different ways that people express their care-seeking needs, and how difficult it is sometimes to interpret these accurately and respond. People who have had contradictory experiences of caregiving will often tend to miscue professional caregivers so that any attempt at caregiving is frustrated and can end up as a frustrating experience for both parties.

Participants will be introduced to the Theory of Attached Based Exploratory Interest Sharing (TABEIS)

as developed by Dorothy Heard and Brain Lake and also to the practice of Exploratory Goal Corrected Psychotherapy (EGCP) developed by Una McCluskey.

The dynamics of attachment consist of several goal-corrected systems. These are care-seeking, care-giving, sexuality, exploratory interest sharing with peers, the personal system for self- defence, the internal supportive or unsupportive environments and the personally …read more

Original post: IAHIP Classified Ads related to CPD

Two Day Workshop in Sexuality – Theory & Practice

This two-day workshop will explore how issues related to sexuality can and will emerge in the clinical space.

12 CPD Hours

The aim of the workshop is to encourage thought and discussion on the subject of sexuality, from a practical point of view and how it relates to the practice of counselling and psychotherapy, the development of the therapeutic relationship and current perspectives on the subject.

This course will be of interest to therapists and therapists in training or those who have a clinical role with clients experiencing emotional or psychological distress.


The workshop will include content aimed at deepening participants’ knowledge, skills and competencies in working with sexual issues. Sexuality is a vital dimension of the human experience and is likely to emerge in many ways. The two days will include discourse, discussion and practice work in the following areas:

  • Sexuality in the clinical space;
  • Working with diversity;
  • Sexual functioning and dysfunction;
  • Therapists’ comfort in exploring sexual issues;
  • Clinical skills for exploring sexuality.


The workshop will include a blend of theoretical lectures, experiential exercises, skills training, group work and class discussion. Learners will be encouraged to reflect, engage and participate in a range of experiential work designed to increase comfort and competence in exploring the area of sexuality in clinical practice.

Facilitator: Donna Bacon, M.Sc. Clinical Psychology, B.A. Psychology (Hons), Dip Integrative Counselling and Psychotherapy, Cert CBT.

Dates: Saturday 12th of August 2017 and Sunday 13th of August 2017, 9.30am – 4.30pm

Award: IICP Certificate of Attendance and Participation. CPD: 12 hours

Venue: IICP Education and Training, Killinarden Enterprise Park, Killinarden, Dublin 24

Cost: €140 (€20 Discount for IICP Students/ Alumni)

To apply on line: or call IICP office on 01-4664205.

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Original post: IAHIP Classified Ads related to CPD

Psychoanalysis and Sexuality Clinical Conference

Psychoanalysis & Sexuality Today Clinical Conference: Psychosocial Influences on Transference & Countertransference in Psychoanalysis & Psychotherapy

Saturday, 21 October 2017 from 9:00 am-5.15 pm

National Museum of Decorative Arts & History, Collins Barracks, Benburb Street, Dublin 7

This conference has 17 clinical speakers from all the psychoanalytic organisations on the island of Ireland: IFPP, APPI, IAPA, IFCAPP, IGAS, NIIHR, IPAA, ISLP, ICLO-NLS and NIASP. Speakers include Julie Brown, Gráinne Casey, José Castilho, Barbara Fitzgerald, Noreen Giffney, Belinda Moller, Ian Miller, Ann Murphy, Pauline O’Callaghan, Barry O’Donnell, Ray O’Neill, Medb Ruane, Florencia Shanahan, David Smith, Julie Sutton, Eve Watson and Rob Weatherill.

The conference is organised on the occasion of the publication of the book “Clinical Encounters in Sexuality: Psychoanalytic Practice & Queer Theory” (New York: Punctum Books 2017, 494 pp., 30 chapters, 32 contributors), eds. Noreen Giffney and Eve Watson.

The Conference will be of interest to anyone interested in psychoanalytic or psychodynamic contributions to therapeutic practice, particularly the unconscious dynamics underpinning the therapeutic relationship: transference and countertransference.

The conference is sponsored by the Psychoanalysis + initiative and the Association for Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy in Ireland (APPI –

6.5 CPD points will be awarded by the Psychoanalytic Section of the Irish Council for Psychotherapy (ICP).

Places are limited and we expect the conference to book out, so early registration is advised. Booking is via Eventbrite:

For further information, the conference brochure and registration details are available from Noreen Giffney ( and Eve Watson (


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Original post: IAHIP Classified Ads related to CPD