
Clinical Co-ordinator Vacancy – Ashling Centre

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The Aisling Centre has been providing a professional counselling and psychotherapy service and offering hope, healing and growth to the people of Co Fermanagh and the surrounding area for more than 20 years


Applications are invited for the position of

Clinical Co-ordinator

Full-Time, 2-year Fixed Term contract


Read more

Mindfulness Retreat: Coming home to our Body And Embodying Presence

A Residential Retreat


Mary O’Callaghan


Dunderry Park

May 31st to June 2nd 2013


When we take notice of how we are living our life we begin to recognise that we rarely inhabit the present moment, and that our mind is racing between past and future. The result is that we tend to go through life as if we are being chased and, even when we have the time, we find it difficult to slow down. Read more

South Connaught Regional Meeting May 23rd 2013

The next South Connaught Regional Meeting is on May 23rd at 7.30pm in the Raheen Woods Hotel, Athenry, Co Galway

Many members have voiced their desire for another fun/social meetup day.

So, on May 12th at 11am members are invited to come to Dartfield Horse Museum and Heritage Centre.

A trail through the country side on horseback has been arranged for members or

Members who may prefer to walk through country side may do so, or

Members may like to visit Horse Museum or

Members who may prefer to chat over a coffee

or all of the above.

25euro for Horse Trek

Walk is free

Museum entrance 9euro

Tea/coffee 1.50euro

Please let me know your interest by Friday 26th April as if I can reduce the cost if group is 10 or more.

Look forward to meeting you at IAHIP meeting or social day,

Tara Hynes (0863952535)

Jim Fitzgibbon (0877555680)

Original post: Irish Association of Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy

Psycho-Sexual Therapy with Clients


 Psycho-Sexual Therapy with Clients

Continuous Professional Development 2013

 Friday 7th June, 2013

9:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.

  Mr. Brian Howlett MIAHIP, Reg. ICP, ECP, MIACP

Specialist: Psycho-Sexual Therapy and Relationship Counselling

This interactive Seminar/Training Day will offer participants the opportunity to reflect on ways of working with Individuals and couples who experience difficulties in both their understanding and practice of relating sexually.

 The day will be divided into four modules. It will deal with the most frequent problems which people encounter in their sexual lives.

 There will be in-depth consideration of both the possible psychological and physical inhibitions at the root of these problems.

 Fruitful ways of working senitively to assist clients in over-coming their inhibitions and in learning how to respond to their partners in loving  and enhancing ways will be presented.

  Course Fee: €70        Non- Refundable Booking Deposit €20         CPD Certificates presented on the day

Course Tutor

Brian Howlett has been Director or Training at Dublin Counselling and Therapy Centre for the past fifteen years. He has been a member of The Teaching Faculty at Castlebar Counselling and Therapy Centre since its foundation.

 Brian trained in Psycho-Sexual Therapy and Relationship Counselling with ‘Relate’  in Rugby. With Barbara Mitchell, he then trained Counsellors both in Accord and Relationships Ireland in psycho-sexual work with clients

Contact: The Administrator:

Castlebar Counselling and Therapy Centre

Clogher, Breaffy, Castlebar, Co. Mayo



Original post: IAHIP Classified Ad

‘The Hero’s Journey’

A Seven-Day Residential Workshop Presented by The Fool’s Dance Gestalt Company – Paul Rebillot School in Ireland.

The ‘Slí an Chroí’ Centre, Kiltegan, Co.  Wicklow, July 7th to July 13th, 2013. 

THE HERO’S JOURNEY: How do you react when life – or your own imagination – presents you with the possibility (or even the necessity) of living in a very different way? Paul Rebillot’s ‘Hero’s Journey’ workshop could help you to face such a dilemma.  The workshop – an exciting group structure combining Gestalt process and groupwork with elements of myth, theatre, ritual, music, art and movement – is, at its core, all about our openness to change and to adventure.

How we respond to change can strongly influence the totality of our lives.  Significant change challenges us to move from one level of being to another and such a step into the unknown can call up a strong, painful resistance within us.  If our instinctive response is to yield to the resistance – and this becomes habitual – we may end up resisting even those changes which don’t really threaten us at all.  As a result our lives can become narrow and restricted – and firmly closed to even the merest possibility of adventure.

Traditional societies used Rites of Passage – overseen by a shaman or ritual master – to ceremonialise, celebrate and guide members of the community on their journey through important life stages such as birth, adulthood, marriage, eldership and death.  Importantly, these rituals also taught the initiates that change was part of the normal order of things and showed them ways of dealing with it.

Responding to our society’s need for help in facing change Paul Rebillot drew on his professional skills as actor, director, musician and therapist – and on his personal experience of spiritual and psychological crisis – to develop a rite of passage for our own times, a blueprint for dealing with change and transformation based on the universal monomyth of the Hero’s Journey.

Entering the Hero’s Journey process we come to discover the Hero within us and – having heard a Call to Adventure – we set off with her or him on a journey of personal exploration.  Leaving the Home Ground of our every-day life our Heroic self encounters his or her opposite, our inner Demon of Resistance.  We experience a confrontation between these two aspects of ourselves, a resolution, and an integration.  Returning to everyday reality, we take stock of how this inner transformation has changed our feelings about ourselves, our home, our work, and our beloved – and then explore how the transformation can continue to work in our lives beyond the workshop.

PAUL REBILLOT was born in 1931 in Detroit, Michigan.  Following a successful academic and professional career in the performing arts as musician, writer, actor, director and teacher he trained as a Gestalt psychotherapist with Dick Price (an influential early pupil of Fritz Perls) at the Esalen Institute where he also came into contact with the mythologist Joseph Campbell.  From these two influences – together with his own uniquely creative insights – Paul developed the ‘Hero’s Journey’, the first of a unique series of therapeutic structures which drew on both his training in Gestalt and on his background in the world of music and theatre.  Annually from 1991 to 2008 Paul presented a series of very successful workshops in Ireland, among them ‘The Hero’s Journey’, ‘The Lover’s Journey’, ‘Owning the Shadow’ and ‘Death and Resurrection’.  In March 2008, he retired from work in Europe and he died in February 2010.

THE FOOL’S DANCE GESTALT COMPANY – PAUL REBILLOT SCHOOL IN IRELAND is comprised of a group of people in Ireland who have worked for many years with Paul Rebillot, are graduates of his Advanced Training and who came together after Paul’s retirement with the aim of continuing his transformative work in Ireland.

COST: The workshop fee is 630 euros which includes accommodation, full board and all workshop materials.  Some bursaries may be available for those whose circumstances would make payment of the full fee impossible.

FURTHER INFORMATION: This workshop is suitable for anyone with an interest in self-exploration or personal development.  Although based on the Gestalt approach to psychotherapy no previous experience of Gestalt is required or assumed.

To request a more detailed printed brochure with booking form or for other queries telephone Fergus Lalor 021-4505711 (answering machine) or e-mail to

Original post: IAHIP Classified Ad

Post Graduate Certificate in Gestalt Psychotherapy

 Galway Psychotherapy & Consulting



September 2013 to March 2014

For Psychotherapists, Counsellors, Coaches, Psychologists, Allied Health and Social Work Practitioners, Educators, Training & Development Professionals.

 Led By

Mike O’Halloran,

M.A., B.A., E.C.P., M.I.A.H.I.P., M.I.A.C.P., E.A.P., E.M.C.C.

Post Graduate Certificate in Gestalt Psychotherapy

Introduction to the Programme

The purpose of the Programme is to provide participants with a core understanding of Gestalt principles and techniques which they can incorporate into their existing Professional Practice. In addition the Programme aims to heighten the Awareness of participants in a way which leads to greater Personal and Professional efficacy.

Who Can Apply For the Programme?

The Programme is open to Psychotherapists, Counsellors, Coaches & Psychologists. In addition, the Programme has been taken by many Allied Professionals, Social Workers, Health Care Professionals, Educators and Training & Development Professionals who wish to enhance their Skills base and Self-Awareness.

Style of the Programme

The Programme is highly experiential. Participants learn about themselves, their clients and Gestalt largely through participating in a structured series of Gestalt exercises and Large Group/Small Group Process. Time is given to practice in the Gestalt way of working with feedback from the Group Leader and Peers. In addition the underlying theory of Gestalt is introduced in a way which is directly relevant to Programme Participants.

Post Graduate Certificate in Gestalt Psychotherapy

 Programme Content

 The Gestalt Cycle of Experience

-Sensation & Desensitisation

-Awareness & Deflection

-Mobilisation & Introjection

-Action & Projection

-Contact & Retroflection

-Satisfaction & Egotism

-Withdrawal & Confluence

Body Awareness

Working with Body Awareness

Unfinished Business

The I-Thou Dialogic Relationship

Existentialism as the Foundation of Gestalt

The Phenomenological Method

Group Supervision

Programme Venue, Dates, and Cost.

The Programme will be held in the Galway Rape Crisis Centre, “The Lodge”, Foster Court, Galway and will run over six two day modules, from to each Saturday, and from to 4pm each Saturday.

Module 1:  Sat & Sun September 21st & 22nd

Module 2:  Sat & Sun November 9th & 10th

Module 3:  Sat & Sun December 7th & 8th

Module 4:  Sat & Sun January 11th & 12th

Module 5:  Sat & Sun February 1st & 2nd

Module 6:  Sat & Sun March 1st & 2nd

The cost of the Programme is E1590

Post Graduate Certificate in Gestalt Psychotherapy

 Programme Leader- Mike O’Halloran

Mike is a Trainer & Psychotherapist. Hundreds of Professionals have attended his workshops and trainings in Gestalt and Existentialist Psychotherapy over two decades. The one year Certificate in Gestalt Psychotherapy has been held since 1998. Some of Mike’s other workshops & trainings have included ‘Working with Relationship Issues,’ ‘Existentialist Psychotherapy Intensive,’ ‘The Shadow & Projection.’ He trained in Counselling & Psychotherapy at DurhamUniversity, Metanoia & the GerdaBoysenCenter. He is Joint Director of Galway Psychotherapy & Consulting, and Coach Institute of Ireland.

Reservation Details

If you are interested in taking a place on the Programme you will be invited to have an interview with Mike. This will provide an opportunity for you to find out more about the Programme, and for us both to see if it’s suitable for you. If you are offered a place on the Programme and would like to accept, a non-refundable deposit of E500 will be required, payable to Galway Psychotherapy & Consulting.

To arrange your interview call Mike on 091-861638. Mobile: 086-8391756

Galway Psychotherapy & Consulting, 1 Devon Place, The Crescent, Galway

Original post: IAHIP Classified Ad

Integrative Bodywork Course

Integrative Psychotherapy Practice


Person Centred Approaches


September 2013 to May 2014

The course offers a practical set of tools for any psychotherapist with a desire to understand and include body process awareness with clients.

It is grounded in an integration of the theories of Wilhelm Reich and Alexander Lowen, both of whom were forerunners in developing awareness of the body in the therapeutic relationship, within the humanistic approach developed by Carl Rogers.


Theory & Techniques – Rogers, Reich, Lowen

Character Structures– Formation & Purpose

Bioenergetics – Choreography of bodywork

Applied Skills in Practice – Facilitated and directed

Supervision & Case Study– Developing Presence

Ethical dimensions– Client care and self-care

Participants must hold a qualification in Psychotherapy and be in practice


Tel: 01 4982408 Email:

Online Brochure & application form available on the IPP website:

Course places are kept within a fixed limit

Original post: IAHIP Classified Ad

Supervision Training Course


     Certificate in Integrative Supervision



Supervision in some form is viewed as a key component of many professions in the provision of support to practitioners, enhancement of ongoing learning, and, to a greater or lesser degree, it offers some protection to the public. This course is intended for people from a variety of disciplines who are intending, beginning or already practising supervisors.  It is designed to enable individuals to extend their understanding and knowledge of supervision, incorporating theoretical input with opportunities for group discussion and experiential exercises.



This course will be of interest to professionals who work in an integrative manner. It will be of particular interest to counsellors, psychotherapists, guidance counsellors, psychologists, healthcare professionals, probation officers, social services personnel, managers, and all who supervise the work of others in the helping professions.


  • Definitions and purpose of supervision.
  • Models of the supervisory process will be explored including those of Page and Wosket, Hawkins and Shohet.
  • Learning Styles.
  • Consideration of the training development and supervisory needs of supervisors.
  • Opportunities to role-play in triads as supervisor, supervisee and observer, using participants’ own case work.
  • Exploration of transference, counter-transference and the parallel process.
  • Reflection on the similarities and differences of supervision in a one-to-one, group or organisational context.
  • Consideration of Multicultural, Ethical and Professional issues.


The core ethos of IICP is to provide a student centred, warm and supportive learning environment. The programme is highly interactive, experiential and taught through lectures, small group work, role-play and assignments.


Day One:          Thurs 23 May 2013                  Day Two:         Fri 24 May 2013

Day Three:       Sat 22 June 2013                     Day Four:         Sat 20 July 2013

Day Five:          Sat 24 August 2013                  Day Six:           Thurs 12 September 2013

Day Seven:       Fri 13 September 2013            Day Eight:         Fri 11 October 2013

Day Nine:         Thurs 07 November 2013        Day Ten:          Fri 24 January 2014

Day Eleven:      Fri 28 February 2014               Day Twelve:     Fri 21 March 2014

Day Thirteen:    Fri 09 May 2014

Class will run each date from 9.00am-5.00pm in IICP.

Certificate in Integrative Supervision – Information and Registration Form


Original post: IAHIP Classified Ad

Ulster Regional Group Meeting: Saturday 11th May 2013

An Ulster Regional meeting has been organised:

Date:                            Saturday 11th May 2013

Meeting time:                10.00am – 12.00pm

Venue:                          Silver Birch Hotel, 5 Gortin Road, Omagh.

The Regional Meetings are open to all our members and we hope that you will be able to attend.

If anyone wishes to make contact with me for any reason, I can be reached at

Brenda Wynne McKervey, Ulster Regional Representative

Original post: Irish Association of Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy

Rooms to let for accredited counsellors / psychotherapists

Dublin Counselling & Therapy Centre

41 Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin 1

 ●   Rooms to Let   ●

 for accredited counsellors / psychotherapists

 in a long-established Counselling and Psychotherapy Centre (founded 1990) near to the City Centre.

Spacious rooms, reasonable rates and possibility of referrals

 For further information contact Paul O’Donoghue

tel. 01 8788236       e-mail:

Original post: IAHIP Classified Ad