
Advanced Mindfulness Courses

Autumn Mindfulness workshops at Oscailt:

Advanced Mindfulness Courses

Mindfulness and Beyond

 Mindfulness is rooted in a particular psychological matrix which is compatible with although different from our western psychological models.  This course will explore the psychology of mindfulness placing it within the context of Buddhist psychology and comparing it with our own psychological models.   During the course we will examine and discuss:


  • 1.          The Anatomy of Mindfulness
  • 2.        The ‘self’ from the perspective of mindfulness
  • 3.        Eastern and Western approaches to well/ill being
  • 4.       The unconscious from Eastern and Western perspectives
  • 5.        The 7 factors that support mindfulness
  • 6.       The 5 factors that hinder the cultivation of mindfulness.

     Four Foundations of Mindfulness (Satipatthána Sutta)

    All mindfulness trainings, including MBSR and MBCT, are based on the Satipatthána Sutta. This sutta (text) is recognised by all schools of Buddhism as the most fundamental and comprehensive teaching on the practice of mindfulness. It outlines the four places – body, feelings, mind and objects of mind – where mindfulness is cultivated.  During the course we will explore this text and engage in some of the practices outlined to deepen our understanding of mindfulness.


    The above courses will be run between September and December 2013.  Please check our website for more details.


    These courses will be facilitated by Mary O’Callaghan IAHIP EAP.  As well as being an experienced mindfulness trainer, Mary is an accredited psychotherapist and supervisor.  She has an MA in Jungian Studies. Before becoming a psychotherapist she lived as a buddhist nun and underwent intensive training in buddhist psychology and meditation practices.  She is now committed to integrating mindfulness practices into everyday life.

    Residential Retreat:  Mindfulness of the Body  

    This retreat, led by Mary O’Callaghan, will take place on Cape Clear Island between 20th and 23rd Sept 2013.  (For information on this retreat check our website.)


    Oscailt, 8 Pembroke Road, Dublin 4     (01) 660 3872 

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    Exploring and Owning Your Power and Authority

    Galway Psychotherapy & Consulting

    Annual Summer Experiential Workshop

    Exploring and Owning Your

    Power and Authority

    Thursday, 27th June, 2013, to Saturday 29th June, 2013.

    Mike O’Halloran and Evelyn P. Gilmore

    The workshop provides an opportunity for psychotherapists, counsellors, psychologists, educators, managers, health care professionals, and allied professionals, to enhance their awareness of their own power and authority.  In addition, as participants gain greater awareness of these aspects of themselves, they will gain greater insight as to how to help their clients explore and own their own power and authority. Many individuals do not fully own their own powerfulness and project it onto others: friends, partners, siblings, colleagues; or onto organisations, and experience themselves as relatively powerless in interpersonal or organisational life.  In addition, individuals who may be formally qualified as professionals, or who may be formally appointed to roles with authority, experience difficulty exercising their authority, due to internal feelings of powerlessness.

    The ‘internal world’ of the person is fundamental to how he or she experiences and uses power and authority.  This, in turn, is largely a function of the person’s relationships with past authority figures such as parents and teachers.  Self-doubt, can lead to the person never being able to fully experience his or her powerfulness, whilst it’s opposite, an inflated self-image, can lead to authoritarianism. When individuals explore their relationship with power and authority, they can experience much greater aliveness and energy, an expanded sense of personality, and greater choice in life.

    During the three days, participants will be provided with an opportunity to explore the following:

    • Exploring and Owning Your Power and Authority
    • Past experiences and Internalised Images that You Hold
    • Enhancing Your Own Sense of Internal Power
    • Sexuality, Gender, and Power
    • Enhancing Awareness of Beliefs and Feelings about Power
    • Doubting yourself and it’s impact on Powerfulness
    • Gaining greater awareness of how you Project Power onto Others
    • Working with the Body
    • Exploring the Power of Powerlessness
    • Exploring the Fear of our Power
    • Gaining greater aliveness, excitement and being afforded greater choice in life

    Style of the Workshop

    The learning over the three days is highly experiential with a focus on participant’s process and experience. We will use Gestalt work, Biodynamic work, attention to Dreams, and small and large Group Process. The work will include Music, Movement, Dance, Drawing, and Guided Visualisation to bring into the present aspects of the participant’s relationship to Power that are normally outside awareness.

    Mike O’Halloran, M.A., B.A., E.C.P., M.I.A.H.A.P., M.I.A.C.P.

    Mike is a Gestalt Psychotherapist and Trainer who has been involved in the training of Counsellors and Psychotherapists since 1990.  Some of his trainings and workshops include “Gestalt Psychotherapy Intensive” and “Existentialist Psychotherapy Intensive.”  Mike has previously facilitated workshops for professionals with Evelyn on “Sexuality, the Body, and Body Image”, and “Exploring and Owning the Shadow”.

    Evelyn P. Gilmore, B.A., M.Sc., Reg. Psychol., Ps.S.I., M.I.A.H.I.P.

    Evelyn is a Consultant Psychologist and a Biodynamic & Integrative Psychotherapist. She has an Honours Degree in Psychology from N.U.I.G., a Masters in Psychology from DCU, and a Diploma in Biodynamic & Integrative Psychotherapy. She has facilitated trainings for professionals in Group Facilitation, Body Image and Food Issues.   Evelyn has previously facilitated workshops for professionals with Mike on “Sexuality, the Body, and Body Image”, and “Exploring and Owning the Shadow”.

    Workshop Details/Reservation Details

    The workshop will be held in the Croi Nua Spirituality Centre, Rosary Lane, Taylor’s Hill, Galway, and will run from 9.30am to 5pm., each day. The total cost of the workshop is €390.  If you would like to reserve a place on the Workshop, please complete the attached booking form and forward it, with a non-refundable deposit of €200 to Galway Psychotherapy & Consulting, 1 Devon Place, The Crescent, Galway. Telephone 091-861638 or 086-8391756.


    Please reserve a place for me on the “Exploring and Owning Your Power and Authority” Workshop. I enclose a booking deposit of €200




    Email Address…………………………………………………………………..

    Telephone Number……………………………………..Mobile………………………….



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    Working with Gender and Sexual Diversity

    A workshop is taking place on Saturday June 22nd in the Sheldon Park Hotel, Kylemore Road, Dublin 12 for counsellors and psychotherapists working with Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual or Transgender clients or anyone who would like to improve their understanding of working with Gender and Sexual Diversity.

    This training is being given by Dominic Davies FBACP of Pink Therapy

    This one day workshop will explore contemporary perspectives on working with gender and sexual identities, an area which has generally not been included in the training for most therapists, and yet gender and sexual minority clients are over represented in the therapy populations and research shows, have poorer mental health and higher substance abuse issues than the majority population. This is believed to be due to minority stress and not indicative of any underlying psychopathology.

    This workshop will explore the social context for gender and sexual minorities and look at some of the key tenets of gender and sexual diversity therapy and how these can be integrated into the current theoretical models of the participants and explore some things to bear in mind in working with non-monogamies and same sex relationships.

    For further information visit
    The cost of this workshop is €100 for the day.

    Brochure: Working With Gender and Sexual Diversities

    Original post : IAHIP Classified Ad

    Diploma Training Programme in Supervision

    Dublin Counselling & Therapy Centre

    41 Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin 1


    This long-established Diploma course is open again to accredited psychotherapists and counsellors who have at least 5 years clinical experience and who are working, or beginning to work, as supervisors of psychotherapists or counsellors, and who wish to receive accreditation as supervisors.

    The course provides participants with a comprehensive and systematic approach to the theory and practice of supervision. It will be run over a twelve month period beginning in April 2013, and will provide participants with more than 100 hours of training.

    Course tutors: Maeve Lewis, Mary Hilliard & Brían Howlett

    For application form or further information, contact the Centre at the above address or phone

    01 8788236 or e-mail:

    As course places are limited, early application is advised.

    Original post: IAHIP Classified Ad

    Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction 8 Week Course

    Mindfulness is a simple but profound practice that is rooted in ancient Eastern traditions.  Over the last 30 years Western medicine and science have come to recognise its benefits as a resource to help individuals deal with a variety of physical and emotional difficulties. These include stress, serious illness, chronic pain, bereavement, and other life challenges, while also offering a way of developing positive mental qualities and emotional wellbeing.

    Only that day dawns to which we are awake”

    – Walden, Thoreau


    Mindfulness involves intentionally bringing awareness to the present moment, paying attention to, and connecting with our present experience, including our thoughts, feelings and bodily sensations with curiosity, openness and acceptance.

    The Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) course is modelled on the internationally acclaimed programmes created by Jon Kabat-Zinn, founder of the Stress Reduction Clinic at the University of Massachusetts Medical Centre.  These evidence based programmes are now being used extensively in a variety of settings including community care, hospitals and hospice care, educational and corporate sectors.

    The programme consists of 8 weekly classes of 2.5 hour duration and one full day of Mindfulness practice. To benefit fully from this course, participants are encouraged to commit to 45 minutes each day for home practice.


    Saturday 6th April – 25 May 2013. (10.15a.m. – 12.45 p.m.)

    Full day workshop:  Saturday 8th June   (11.00a.m. – 4.00 p.m.)


    Monkstown Therapy Centre, 26, Longford Terrace, Monkstown, Co.Dublin. (2 mins from Salthill & Monkstown Dart Station)


    The course fee is €320 and includes Course workbook and CDs.

    (Concessions available to applicants who are unwaged or in receipt of

    Social Welfare)


    Eilis Cullen is a trained Mindfulness practitioner, currently undertaking a Masters in Mindfulness Based Approaches at the University of Wales, Bangor. Eilis is also an experienced accredited Psychotherapist in private practice.

    Tel:                   086 8622012



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    The Three Pillars of Family Support

    Mid-West Regional Workshop

    Please find below details of the forthcoming event in the Mid- West Region facilitated by IAHIP members Larry de Cleir and Ray Wallace.

    For full information and booking form please see following:

    Workshop Three Pillars Info & Booking Form:

    To book your place please print the information, complete and detach the booking form and return it with your payment to IAHIP, Workshop Group,  44 Northumberland Avenue, Dun Laoghaire, Co Dublin by Friday 15th March 2013

    Original post: Irish Association of Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy

    An Introduction To Relational Assessment & Creative Process In Adolescent Psychotherapy

    Dates:  5th, 6th, 7th March

    Fee: €340

    Venue: Castlebar Counselling and Therapy Centre

    Facilitator:Bronagh Starrs MIAHIP

    This three-day training workshop will focus on two aspects of psychotherapeutic contact with adolescent clients:

    We will explore how understanding and supporting the adolescent’s environmental context is a key aspect of therapy with teenagers. The training will focus  on cultivating the relational field i.e. engaging the adolescent and his/her parents – developing a consultative alliance with parents, supporting adolescent-parent relational connections, coaching parents in the art of strategic adolescent parenting, meeting the adolescent at the heart of his/her experience etc. This will include the micro-skills of how to conduct a relational assessment and intervene to manage shame in the encounter, and how to make initial contact with the adolescent.

    The second focus of the training will involve supporting the development of the adolescent’s inner world through expressive arts and therapeutic devices e.g. art and sandwork with adolescent clients; using board games to create structure and holding; exploring the adolescent’s phenomenological experience through music, creative writing and other creative pursuits etc. This aspect of the training will also include an appreciation of the timing and appropriateness of introducing particular creative ways of working to support adolescent process – always being mindful of developmental considerations, levels of internal and external support, and the presence of psychological trauma.

    For booking details please contact Bronagh:

    Republished from : IAHIP Classified Ads

    Next Southern Regional Meeting News:

    To Members of South Region of IAHIP

    Next Southern Regional Meeting News:

    Date:                       Tuesday 29th January

    Start Time:               8.00 p.m.

    Venue:                     SMA Hall Wilton, Cork

    Debbie Hegarty, from the Governing Body of IAHIP, has kindly agreed to present the IAHIP Five Year Plan at the Meeting.

    There will also be an opportunity after the meeting, to “Walk your Wishes for 2013″ on a small cloth Labyrinth.  And if you really wish to be sociable afterwards, join us in the Wilton Bar!

    Hoping to see you there,

    Ann Irwin & Catherine Hickey

    Original post: Irish Association of Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy

    Midlands Regional Meeting Wednesday 12th December 2012

    A Midlands regional meeting (Longford, Meath, Westmeath, Offaly, Laois & Tipperary) has been organised.

    Date:Wednesday 12th December 2012

    Time: 7pm – 9pm

    Venue: Tir Na nOg, Slievanagorta, Ballymore, Co Westmeath

    As part of IAHIP’s regional development, it is hoped that regional meetings will take place regularly in the various regions throughout the country. The Regional Officer, Bronagh Starrs, will do her best to be in attendance at most of these initial gatherings.

    At these regional meetings, we will discuss such matters as co-creating a regional structure, developments within the organisational life of IAHIP, and the general experience of our membership within IAHIP. These meetings are designed to give members an influential voice and it is an opportunity to find out about what is happening within the organisation.

    This meeting is being facilitated by Eileen Prendiville, IAHIP Chairperson.

    Please find following a link for directions for the venue and map.

    In case you need further help with directions, once en-route,  you can use the following number:  087 648 8149.  The Regional Meetings are open to all our members and we hope that you will be able to attend so that you can contribute to building a strong supportive structure, making connections, and planning events and activities to meet your needs as an IAHIP member and practicing psychotherapist.

    Bronagh Starrs
    Regional Development Officer

    Original post: Irish Association of Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy