These are posts that have been republished from websites run by the member organizations of ICP, as well as other posts related to psychotherapy in Ireland.


An Introduction To Relational Assessment & Creative Process In Adolescent Psychotherapy

Dates:  5th, 6th, 7th March

Fee: €340

Venue: Castlebar Counselling and Therapy Centre

Facilitator:Bronagh Starrs MIAHIP

This three-day training workshop will focus on two aspects of psychotherapeutic contact with adolescent clients:

We will explore how understanding and supporting the adolescent’s environmental context is a key aspect of therapy with teenagers. The training will focus  on cultivating the relational field i.e. engaging the adolescent and his/her parents – developing a consultative alliance with parents, supporting adolescent-parent relational connections, coaching parents in the art of strategic adolescent parenting, meeting the adolescent at the heart of his/her experience etc. This will include the micro-skills of how to conduct a relational assessment and intervene to manage shame in the encounter, and how to make initial contact with the adolescent.

The second focus of the training will involve supporting the development of the adolescent’s inner world through expressive arts and therapeutic devices e.g. art and sandwork with adolescent clients; using board games to create structure and holding; exploring the adolescent’s phenomenological experience through music, creative writing and other creative pursuits etc. This aspect of the training will also include an appreciation of the timing and appropriateness of introducing particular creative ways of working to support adolescent process – always being mindful of developmental considerations, levels of internal and external support, and the presence of psychological trauma.

For booking details please contact Bronagh:

Republished from : IAHIP Classified Ads

Next Southern Regional Meeting News:

To Members of South Region of IAHIP

Next Southern Regional Meeting News:

Date:                       Tuesday 29th January

Start Time:               8.00 p.m.

Venue:                     SMA Hall Wilton, Cork

Debbie Hegarty, from the Governing Body of IAHIP, has kindly agreed to present the IAHIP Five Year Plan at the Meeting.

There will also be an opportunity after the meeting, to “Walk your Wishes for 2013″ on a small cloth Labyrinth.  And if you really wish to be sociable afterwards, join us in the Wilton Bar!

Hoping to see you there,

Ann Irwin & Catherine Hickey

Original post: Irish Association of Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy

Midlands Regional Meeting Wednesday 12th December 2012

A Midlands regional meeting (Longford, Meath, Westmeath, Offaly, Laois & Tipperary) has been organised.

Date:Wednesday 12th December 2012

Time: 7pm – 9pm

Venue: Tir Na nOg, Slievanagorta, Ballymore, Co Westmeath

As part of IAHIP’s regional development, it is hoped that regional meetings will take place regularly in the various regions throughout the country. The Regional Officer, Bronagh Starrs, will do her best to be in attendance at most of these initial gatherings.

At these regional meetings, we will discuss such matters as co-creating a regional structure, developments within the organisational life of IAHIP, and the general experience of our membership within IAHIP. These meetings are designed to give members an influential voice and it is an opportunity to find out about what is happening within the organisation.

This meeting is being facilitated by Eileen Prendiville, IAHIP Chairperson.

Please find following a link for directions for the venue and map.

In case you need further help with directions, once en-route,  you can use the following number:  087 648 8149.  The Regional Meetings are open to all our members and we hope that you will be able to attend so that you can contribute to building a strong supportive structure, making connections, and planning events and activities to meet your needs as an IAHIP member and practicing psychotherapist.

Bronagh Starrs
Regional Development Officer

Original post: Irish Association of Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy

13 Apr 2013 10:00 : Psychoanalytic Section Supervision Top-Up Course




The Psychoanalytic Section of the ICP is sponsoring a “top-up” Supervision training which will count towards 25 hours of the overall requirement of 100 hours for ICP Analytic Section Registration.


Dates:                                               12th January 2013


                                                            9th February 2013


                                                            9th March 2013


                                                            13th April 2013



Venue:                                             Group Analytic Practice (GAP)

                                                            29, Lower Abbey Street,

                                                            Dublin 1.


Time:                                                10.00am to 4.30pm



Cost:                                                  €300

                                                            Cheques to be made payable to:

                                                            The Psychoanalytic Section of the ICP

                                                            and sent by prior arrangement to:

Noel Keane,

John’s Lane,

94/95 Thomas St, Dublin 8.

email address:



There are a limited number of additional places available on this course (3 or 4), so applications will be on a first pay basis.

Contactnoelkeane@nulleircom.netfor information


Original post: Psychoanalytic Section Events Calendar